Packet sniffing allows individuals to capture data as it is transmitted over a network. Terms of Reference Purpose. The Vocabulary for Event Recording and Incident Sharing (VERIS) is a set of metrics designed to provide a common language for describing security incidents in a structured and repeatable manner. The mainstream usage of "hacker" mostly refers to computer criminals who gathers information on computer security flaws and breaks into computers without authorization. The following Reference List contains cybersecurity articles, strategies, reports, programs, and efforts that were compiled and consulted. A program policy is a high-level policy that sets the overall tone of an organisation's security approach. In cryptography, a cipher is an algorithm for performing encryption or decryption of code. Adware often includes code that tracks a user's personal information and passes it on to a third party. A User contingency plan is the alternative methods of continuing business operations if IT systems are unavailable. 2. A Smurf Attack is a distributed denial-of-service attack where large numbers of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets a spoofed IP is broadcast to a computer network. A program that is inserted into a system, usually covertly, with the intent of compromising the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the victim’s data, applications, or operating system. Terms of Reference Mission. Cybersecurity glossary provides the knowledge and insights of the cybersecurity industry’s significant and commonly used terms and definitions. The reserved address blocks are: 1 . However, investigation resources like forensic tools, dirty networks, quarantine networks and consultation with law enforcement may be useful for the effective and rapid resolution of an emergency incident. Source: NIST SP 800-30 Rev. Light Tower is a device containing a series of indicator lights and an embedded controller used to indicate the state of a process based on an input signal. A macro virus is a malware (ie malicious software) that uses the macro capabilities of common applications such as spreadsheets and word processors to infect data. Its mission is to promote innovation and industrial competitiveness. A much more comprehensive … A Segment is another name for TCP packets. The term exists in contradiction to multicast, communication between a single sender and multiple receivers, and any cast, communication between any sender and the nearest of a group of receivers in a network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed the Kerberos to protect network services provided by the Project Athena. Threat Intelligence Information about specific impending attacks against the organization and is initially consumed by higher level security. These objectives typically include establishing and extending footholds within the information technology infrastructure of the targeted organizations for purposes of exfiltrating information, undermining or impeding critical aspects of a mission, program, or organization; or positioning itself to carry out these objectives in the future. It commonly includes computers, ancillary equipment, software, firmware, similar procedures, services, and related resources. It originated in the initial network implementation in which it complemented the Internet Protocol (IP). Router flapping is a router that transmits routing updates alternately advertising a destination network first via one route, then via a different route. Static routing is a form of routing that occurs when a router uses a manually-configured routing entry, rather than information from a dynamic routing traffic. Public key encryption is a cryptographic system that uses two keys, a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Configuration control is a process for controlling modifications to hardware, firmware, software, and documentation to ensure the information system is protected against improper modifications before, during, and after system implementation. A polymorphic virus is a virus that will change its digital footprint every time it replicates. It is used as a screen of numbers used for routing traffic within a subnet. A Business Impact Analysis is the process of evaluating and identifying risks and threats that a business might face in the event of an accident, disaster, or an emergency. It is a way of specifying the location of publicly available information on the Internet. remote maintenance activities conducted by individuals communicating external to an information system security perimeter. XNS is no longer used and has been replaced by Transmission Control Protocol / Interface Program (TCP/IP). Fault Tolerant refers to the ability of a system to have built in capability to provide continued, correct execution of its assigned function in the presence of a hardware and/or software fault. Evidence is documents, records or any such objects or information that helps prove the facts in a case. An IP address allows network interface identification and location addressing. Automated Email Ingest feature allows users to create structured, actionable threat intelligence with ease from emails originating from trusted sources and sharing partners or from suspected spearphishing emails. Synchronization is the signal made up of a distinctive pattern of bits that network hardware looks for to signal that start of a frame. Security Control Inheritance is a situation in which an information system or application receives protection from security controls (or portions of security controls) that are developed, implemented, assessed, authorized, and monitored by entities other than those responsible for the system or application; entities either internal or external to the organization where the system or application resides. plaintext/ciphertext pairs for a given encryption algorithm). Known social networking websites include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Blogspot. Tamper is an action to deliberately change or alter a system's logic, data, or control information to cause the system to perform unauthorized functions or services. Eavesdropping is when one secretly listens to a conversation. A Data Custodian is an executive of an organization entrusted with the responsibilities of data administration, as such protecting and safeguarding data is the primary responsibility of Data custodian. An ultra-portable, touch screen computer that shares much of the functionality and operating system of smartphones, but generally has greater computing power. War dialing is a technique of using a modem to automatically scan a list of telephone numbers, usually dialing every number in a local area code to search for computers, bulletin board systems (computer servers), and fax machines. An encryption algorithm is a set of mathematically expressed rules for rendering data unintelligible by executing a series of conversions controlled by a key. Entrapment is the deliberate planting of flaws in an information system to detect attempted penetrations. An interface between two systems at which (a) they are not connected physically and (b) any logical connection is not automated (i.e. 1. Phreakers can hack into a system, circumvent telecommunications security systems by using electronic recording devices or simply creating tones with a whistle. This office provides oversight, monitoring and technical assistance on HAVA grant funds. Steganography is a technique used to hide the existence of a message, files, or any other information. exclusive . A star network consists of one central switch, hub or computer, which acts as a conduit to transmit messages. It is a firewall technology that monitors the state of active connections and uses this information to determine which network packets to allow through the firewall. The result of a cryptographic transformation of data which, when properly implemented, provides the services of: 1) origin authentication, 2) data integrity, and 3) signer non-repudiation. It can occur due to the lack of computer resources or the existence of multiple processes that are competing for the same computer resources. An IP multi-cast is a method of sending packets of data to a group of receivers in a single transmission. The DDOS is more devastating than a Denial of Service attack launched from a single system, flooding the target server with a speed and volume that is exponentially magnified. Cryptographically transform data to produce cipher text. Tcpdump works on most Unix-like operating systems. XML is similar to HTML, XML uses tags to markup a document, allowing the browser to interpret the tags and display them on a page. MAC addresses are generally used as a network address for most IEEE 8 2 network technologies (Ethernet, WiFi). A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters that are used to identify the name of a resource. The World Wide Web (abbreviated WWW or the Web) is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. Link-state protocol is performed by every switching node, which creates a map of the connectivity to the network displaying all the nodes that are connected to other nodes. End-to-end encryption describes communications encryption in which data is encrypted when passing through a network with the routing information still visible. A TCPDump is a freeware protocol analyzer for Unix systems that can monitor network traffic on a wire. Maintaining ongoing awareness to support organization risk decisions. Information is encoded so that it appears as a meaningless string of letters and symbols during delivery or transmission. A unified threat management system can automate integrations across select Cisco Security products and accelerate key security … A token ring network is a local area network in which all computers are connected in a ring or star topology and a binary digit or token-passing scheme is used in order to prevent the collision of data between two computers that want to send messages at the same time. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Attackers use various malware and viruses to take control of computers to form a botnet (robotic network), which will send further attacks such as spam and viruses to target computers or networks. It aims to protect the interests of the organization by protecting assets of the organization, and the interests of the creditors, customers. Once the original infected program is run the virus transfers to the computer memory and may replicate itself further, spreading the infection. The Cyber Security on a whole is a very broad term but is based on three fundamental concepts known as “ The CIA Triad “. Examples include Transport Layer Security and HTTPS. There is still, however, no single point of reference … The function map bit strings of a fixed length to bit strings of the same length. The list has an entry for each system user with access privileges. CRITs (Collaborative Research Into Threats) is an open source malware and threat repository. An ad hoc network is a local area network (LAN) that spontaneously builds as devices connect. Graduated security is a security system that provides several levels (e.g., low, moderate, high) of protection based on threats, risks, available technology, support services, time, human concerns, and economics. Safety is the requirement to ensure that the individuals involved with an organization (e.g. Operating at the Data Link Layer of the Open System Interconnect model, bridges have the ability to filter the information and can pass such information to the right nodes, or decide not to pass any information. Real time is pertaining to the performance of a computation during the actual time that the related physical process transpires so that the results of the computation can be used to guide the physical process. HoneyClient is state-based and detects attacks on Windows clients by monitoring files, process events, and registry entries. Attenuation happens when signal strengths become weak after transmitting over long distances. Basically, a cold site is a backup facility ready to receive computer equipment should it need to move to an alternate location. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide routers to their customers, with inbuild firewall protections. Dividing an Ethernet into multiple segments is one of the most common ways of increasing available bandwidth on the LAN. Workstation is a computer used for tasks such as programming, engineering, and design. Scavenging is the process of searching through data residue in a system or a network to gain unauthorised knowledge of sensitive information. A network host is a device connected to a computer network. It ensure proper authentication of users and allows only authorised users to access a server. It is one of the seven layers in both of the standard models of computer networking: the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) and the Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model). A non-malicious surprise contained in a program or media, that is installed by the developer. It interrupts the operations of a network. This is an example of breached information security. An attack is a malicious intent to gain unauthorized access to a system , or compromise system integrity or confidentiality. An adversary that possesses sophisticated levels of expertise and significant resources which allow it to create opportunities to achieve its objectives by using multiple attack vectors (e.g., cyber, physical, and deception). The WHOIS protocol is documented in RFC 3912. Risk assessment is a systematic process to identify, analyze and evaluate any possible threats that may leave sensitive information vulnerable to attacks. A data asset is any entity that is comprised of data; for example, a database is an example of a data asset. Authentication using two or more different factors to achieve authentication. Engagement by the CoP will focus on trends, risks, threats, impacts, controls and good practices associated with all aspects of cybersecurity … The CAUDIT Cybersecurity Community of Practice (CoP) serves as both a strategic and functional vehicle. Aggregate of directives, regulations, rules, and practices that prescribes how an organization manages, protects, and distributes information. Weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source. Digital evidence is electronic information stored or transferred in digital form. A security mechanism is a device designed to provide one or more security services usually rated in terms of strength of service and assurance of the design. It is based on the principle of splitting privileges among multiple individuals or systems. A Chief Information Security Officer is a senior level executive of an organization entrusted with the responsibilities of protecting the information assets of the businesses and making sure that the information policies of the organization align with the objectives of the organization. A Chain of Custody is a chronological documentation of how electronic evidence is handled and collected. Sometimes, this may involve days, weeks, months or in some cases years to manipulate the minor. Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on infected host computers, such as acquisition of hard disk space or central processing unit (CPU) time, accessing private information (e.g., credit card numbers), corrupting data, or displaying messages on a computer’s screen. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems are network security appliances that monitor network and/or system activities for malicious activity. A Servo Valve is an actuated valve whose position is controlled using a servo actuator. Cycle time is the time for a controller to complete one control loop where sensor signals are read into memory, control algorithms are executed, and corresponding control signals are transmitted to actuators that create changes the process resulting in new sensor signals. In cryptography, a certificate authority is an entity that issues digital certificates. It is also referred as updating the software to the latest version available and is key in removing bugs of the previous version. It is part of the transmitted data which is the fundamental purpose of the transmission. A Certificate Revocation List is an independent third party that verifies the online identity of an entity. Parents and employers sometimes use such software to prevent children and employees from visiting certain blacklisted websites.". Computer fraud is a computer crime that an intruder commits to obtain money or something of value from a company. Stateful inspection is also known as dynamic packet filtering. SAML is a product of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee. Spyware can track a user’s internet surfing habits for advertising habits, scan computers to create pop up ads, and change one’s homepage to redirect to pre chosen websites. Computer forensics offer many tools for investigation and analysis to find out such evidence. Yottabyte is abbreviated as YB. Signals Analysis is a process of gaining indirect knowledge of communicated data by monitoring and analysing a signal that is emitted by a system and that contains the data, but is not intended to communicate the data. The suggested wording has been taken from the Handbook and included under Section C (Governance, Risk Management and Internal Control). Unix was designed to be a small, flexible system used exclusively by programmers. Cybersecurity Architecture is the information security layout that describes the overall structure, including its various components, and their relationships in an organization. It is applied to an entity class, mapped superclass or embeddable class. In theory, UTM is the evolution of the traditional firewall into an all appliance reporting. When they are not properly removed during final implementation, hackers can use backdoors to bypass security implementations and threaten the security of the system. It specifies the capacity of the communciation channel, and is usually measured in bits per second. Electronic commerce or ecommerce is any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of information across the Internet. An app attack describes the scenario when a user unknowingly installs a malicious app on a device, which in turn steals their personal data. A blended threat is a computer network attack that tries to maximize the severity of damage by combining various attack methods. A Non-Printable Character is a character that doesn't have a corresponding character letter to its corresponding ASCII code. Any violations of the said rules attract punitive actions from the regulatory bodies. A Demilitarized Zone is a firewall setting that separates the LAN of an organization from the outside world or the internet. Security strength is a measure of the computational complexity associated with recovering certain secret and/or security-critical information concerning a given cryptographic algorithm from known data (e.g. Often, all traces of the crime are covered up. When an attack is identified, or abnormal behaviour is detected, an alert is sent to the administrator. Darknets networks are anonymous, and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference. This device is used to implement a Boolean function. IMAP is defined by RFC 35 1. It can also be used to help a human cracker obtain unauthorized access to resources. Also called IO. Race conditions can occur in electronics systems, especially logic circuits, and in computer software, especially multithreaded or distributed programs. 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