You have a vested interest in hiding the facts and it is evident from your rant. NOTE THE FELLATIO POSE – WHITE TEETH AND RED LIPS ! They are 180per cent aware of a water crisis emerging soon, another virus and the viciousness of Chinese hegemony, economic woes…. Those should either or/all of thought provoking, tell, positive thoughts, etc. Shallow knowledge, punjabi swagger and bengali theories. She also noticed Arjuna’s interest in her and the fire of love was kindled in her. The problem with left media is that in their madness to show Hinduism in bad light they present the situation at face value whereas no action and reaction in Hinduism is so simple and straightforward. You have said “The authors are presently working on the novelised retelling of Subhadra’s abduction. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. These guys of the Europe and the Middle East used to come and pay in Gold and buy goods made in India as they did not even have industry to make cloths. I think these authors are wasting their time and someone else’s money by doing this “research”. why you are so Hinduphobic … It’s nothing but part of a grand scheme to deglorify the Hinduism by left wing liberals. Where does this say Subhadra didn’t like Arjuna for sure? It may be true of Ramayana but am definate about Mahabharata. It also mentioned Subhadra was driver of chariot. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. And the only reason such article exists is to compares heros of Hindu epics — Krishna and Arjuna to Ravana. Arjuna, by doing so has insulted her. Draupadi was conflicted in love. But you article fails to give evidence the same from Subhadra.. and there is enough in the later part of Mahabharata where subhadra never showed her non concent and happily had a baby with Arjun. * Best friend of Krishna I have already madee enouggh backup of the content of this site so that you can’t escape that this page never existed. She stole in to Arjuna’s chamber. We need to resurge human aspirations and emotions-this is revolutiobary times. by Krishan . Once Bengal produced extremely sincere and brainy people. Hi Web Editor: Subhadra’s story still needs to be retold, but are we ready to hear it? Who are responsible for bringing un-touch ability in the society and minted money like anything. Abduction and her brother’s violation of consent remain central themes, though their burdens had been transferred and the events romanticised. The story of subhadra’s abduction is explicitly mentioned in the BHAGWAT Purana.. And it also speaks of the consent of subhadra’s in favour of marrying arjuna, Subhadra’s was actually in love with Arjuna and wanted to marry him but bantams had organised her marriage with duryodhana…. The best of journalism is shrinking, yielding to crude prime-time spectacle. It is getting abused. Generations of authors have glossed over a significant act of violence by their heroes, without which the Mahabharata (in its composed form) wouldn’t have been possible. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Arjun vows to kill Karna for insulting his wife. However Arjuna’s snake-wife Uloopi resuscitates him to life by using the magical mritasanjivani gem owned bythe Nagas. You guys go outside the country and spoil the image of our country and our relics by publishing and bitching on each other. All kings presented at the ceremony started praising that unknown Brahmin and started applauding him. The premise of abduction is reduplicated and made so comedic that one begins to disbelieve the earlier violence of the act. We view them from our myopic, monotheistic (most of us being educated based on european-christain standards) point of view. It, thereby, convincingly shifted Krishna’s lapse onto Balaram, and made abduction look like a better alternative. In a revengeful zeal for winning Arjuna’s heart she prays to Madana,, the God of love,, and acquires the sumptuous beauty of a girl for a year.. Whilst polygamy is no more in practice, India sure has a record breaking history in … Torture by Kuru on Pandavas also can’t be ignored. It is very difficult to get the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The authors seem to be trying to view an ancient culture which was far superior in protecting all of its citizens through the very narrow lens of what’s politically correct in today’s consumerist throwaway society . So he performed a great sacrifice for a powerful son who would kill Drona and avenge his humiliation. And also many languages written, rewritten using there motions, emotions,& whatnots,, Somany & so forth, Nothing better can be expected from the print run by dynasty slave shekhar gopta * popular among women of Aryavart beautiful mam. Looting, killing people, destroying others monuments and engraving their names, causing distruction to mankind. Why would they not do it if subhadra had any questions against it. aaah again the author is a bong commie distorting facts to present different views lol. Can you say the same for Sita’s view for Ravan before comparing the two? Another Hinduphobic rant in The Print. I think this writer either says he lived in the time of Mahabharata or is unaware – Subhadra falls in love with Arjuna. His brother Satyajit barges into the room with the news that Draupadi will be marrying all the five Pandavas. I know that ur media is biased hinduphobic. Babruvahana would succeed his grandfather as king of Manipur. Please understand that these are stories to portray human qualities and the correct path. Arjun and Subhadra had love affairs before he won Drapadi. Upon hearing Karna’s story, Draupadi felt sympathetic towards him and was bonded to him due to the fact that both of them were unwanted at the time of their births. Her heart was stuck to Karna but King wanted her to choose Arjuna. thanks for the information above. But this can be argued that though these have been curses, Arjuna was able to use them to his and Pandava’s advantage. The South Indian version gives more details – Subhadra was equally in love with Arjuna – tasmAt subhadrA cakame pauruSAd bharatarSabham, satyasandhasya rUpeNa chAturyeNa cha mohitA. By their logic, Bhishma will be a bigot and anti LGBT just because he refused to fight with Shikhandi knowing very well it is Arjuna hiding behind. If we look at it like a movie, or a novel, which is how we are fed and tought from a very young age, we are just judging based our limitations. To stop a evil, one can’t be like Yiodhistira to fight against evil. Don’t take anything on Print seriously. Ghatotkach cursed by Draupadi. The ‘Subhadra Haran’ episode in the Mahabharata is brief. Reject any other reference which clarifies the obscurity? Learn More{{/message}}, on Curses on Arjuna (Mahabharata – Indian mythology), Legends associated with Durga Puja (Navratri), Love stories from Mahabharata - Indian mythology, Sarva Mangal Mangalye - The Mantra of Devi Durga, Ten unknown interesting stories about Lord Parshuram, The story of Raja Parikshit and snake sacrifice by Janmejaya. Has there been any article on prophet Mohammad’s wife? But, Subhadra was the true sister of Balarama, who wanted his sister to marry the prince of Hastinapura – Duryodhana and he objected her marriying Arjuna. Subhadra’s voice has been silenced and all the wrongdoings against her have either been disregarded or worse, romanticised. But no, Mr. Prabhu and his ilk are also cursed. The authors are graduate students of history and art history at Mcgill University and the University of Wisconsin Madison. Subscribe to our channels on YouTube & Telegram, Why news media is in crisis & How you can fix it. These guys need such kind of reprimand, otherwise, these guys will just pick one thing and distort it so badly and will try to romanticize it and will make it as the new cool among the pesudo-secular scholars and then will make it new fashion to propagate among the common Indians who will be influenced and will be trapped in their such kind of ulterior motives to spread fake narratives. Peoplecare dying! You’re using Bori critical edition which including stories from various versions. We need to see a more holestic approach also before analysing an incident in isolation. Book III : Aranya Kanda – The Forest Trek, तस्यास्तत्सुनसं वक्त्रमाकाशे रावणाङ्कगम्।, न रराज विना रामं विनालमिव पङ्कजम्।।3.52.18।।. Now it is factory to produce naxels and librabdus who are just dumb shitheads. Kahan hai aapki site ka koi bhi article on how The Bible says “Any place where a menstruating woman sists is impure.”? In the court of Indra all the Gandharva’s sang divine songs and all the beautiful apsaras gave dancing recitals. 3 of 15 After listening to Draupadi, Krishna asked her to not worry and those who have insulted her, will be destroyed soon. One wonders about the (f)utiliy of men giving women a voice after obliterating her ability to make her own decision — in this case, the swayamvar. It also mentioned Subhadra was driver of chariot. Subhadra went with Arjuna on her own wish. Very irresponsible article. Click on further slides to know what did Arjun do in … Had Subhadra not been willing to marry Arjuna, she could have told so to her father, mother or even her elder brother Balram who was furious with Arjuna and didn’t want Subhadra to marry Arjuna. Rubbish …. Duryodhana, came to visit the palace of illusions. Draupadi sprinkles flowers and musk oil on the soft bed. When there is an empty space in a story, we deduce theories for those spaces. The PRINT is another name for THRASH Amrita: Arjuna was cursed by Urvashi for refusing to sleep with her even though she offered herself to him when Arjuna went to Indraloka post his getting the Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva. Does that make Subhadra tormented? And it is this shade of grey that adds to its importance. Be warned that you are inviting troubles that are beyond your understanding or comprehension. No hard feelings. The yaga horse enters the dominion of Manipur, where Arjuna challenges their King Babruvahana for a fight. You have entered an incorrect email address! A priceless contribution to world mythology. Nakula was the handsomest but Bhima was the most passionate and Arjuna,he was skilled but insecure.Women writers who write on Draupadi flirt with the … Great ! Take this shit down. She is also worship along with Krishna & Balram in Puri Jagganath mandir. P.S. you might not have read even 10 percent of all scriptures in Hinduism. Kunti informs Duryodhan that she will bring Krishna's army to Hastinapur, and make the Pandavas independent. you are playing with fire by trying to subvert the story. "bright" or "silver" (cf. Her face which was pleasing like the Moon on the lap of Ravana appeared as though the Moon was rising through dark clouds.