MX gave Della Sala and Zeman the chance to test two ideas about the role of the mind’s eye in our inner life. Much to his astonishment, 12 of his subjects were unable to tell him much: they had assumed up to then that the phrase “mental imagery” was not meant literally. In addition, many with aphantasia also suffer from prosopagnosia, impaired face recognition. Yet many of the people with aphantasia who contacted him work successfully in creative professions—as artists, architects and scientists. I’d love to experience life with a mind’s eye. For a long time, no one gave much thought to what caused this. The sights and scenes of Exeter. For example, when asked to say which is a lighter color of green—grass or pine trees—most people would decide by imagining both grass and tree and comparing them. When Schlatter first began to discuss his discovery with friends, he also learned that “people’s ability to synthesize images differs.” Zeman concurs. Sheri Bakes, Susan Baquie, Andrew Bracey, Stephanie Brown, Elina Cerla, Michael Chance, Trevor Keetley, Dominic Mason, Hillah Nevo, Isabel Nolan, Daan Tweehuysen, Claire Strickland, Kirsten Baron, Melissa English Campbell, Clare Dudeney, Geraldine van Heemstra, Megan Eckman, Elvenia Ruusu, Alejandro Murillo, Benjamin Hendy, Dustin Grinnell, Elisabeth Tova Bailey, Adam Zeman – Phantasia: the (re)discovery and exploration of imagery extremes, John Onians – Extreme Imagination and the Emotions: Examples from the Middle East and the United States. Paying in funds to Mind. Scientists are beginning to tease out the brain features underlying the condition. Schlatter scored very low on the vividness questionnaire, which is viewed as strongly diagnostic of aphantasia. Pearson and his team have discovered that a simple trick can influence which image is given priority. The neurones are all working fine, but I don’t have the canvas”. Surprisingly, though, he was able to accomplish tasks that typically involve visualization. Susan Aldworth – Harvesting the Imagination, Crawford Winlove – The Neuroimaging of Imagery, Matthew MacKisack – From Inner Design to Extended Mind: the Aphantasic Artist in History, St Luke’s Campus, Magdalen Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, Email: (function(){var ml="ZufiDAF2ecnk3-.t0x4mCl%sEohra",mi="F08CL:FB@8A8?8K>L9>1;F77F7@F7@9ELGGF<4F77CL3E?I=E3:;F77F