For example, a person sleeping without a tent will be more vulnerable to ants, ticks, mosquitos, scorpions, spiders, and snakes. Outside of the parks, there were 1,165,383 violent crimes committed. 0 0. Car campers at a campsite will often have food lockers that they can place their food in. Snakes are much more likely to run and hide than to attempt attacking a person through a tent. Cover your eyes and ears – in the summer, the sun rises early, which may wake you up. You may even get a visit from a local mouse or snake. See my post titled, “Why Does The Inside Of My Tent Get Wet” for tips on how to keep it dry. For instance, don’t use your camping stove inside your tent and don’t use a tent heater unless you can do it in safety.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'carandtent_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_0',113,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'carandtent_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',113,'0','1'])); A tent stove can be operated inside of a tent in safety but only if you use the right tent with it. the bigger the tent is the more energy it takes to warm it up. I recalled how a fellow hiker had, just hours before we went to bed, shared with us a story of a bear breaking into his food storage in this very park. Check ou, Garfield Peak is a beautiful vantage point from wh, In October, when we visited Crater Lake, it was a, The Cleetwood Cove Trail at Crater Lake National P, 5 PLACES TO CAMP IN TEXAS THIS SPRING/SUMMER, “DID YOU HEAR THAT?” – ON FEAR OF THE NOISES OUTSIDE YOUR TENT, BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK – CHISOS BASIN CAMPGROUND, BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK – BACKPACKING THE MARUFO VEGA TRAIL, Marufo Vega trail at Big Bend National Park. Set your tent up at the highest point during a storm and you’ll dramatically increase your chances of being struck by lightning. If you find that you need to heat your tent but do not have any of the equipment to do so, fear not, there are still ways to get the job done. Speaking of sleeping clean, keep the tent clean. For example, a person sleeping without a tent will be more vulnerable to ants, ticks, mosquitos, scorpions, spiders, and snakes. Anonymous. The numbers behind this are quite dramatic too. Jan, a Czech National, visits Project Parker in the day to eat and relax, but prefers to pitch a tent in a Leyton park. But it’s not that bad, because the main cause of my fear at night is noise + a healthy imagination. Instead of focusing on this fear, it’s a good idea to work on keeping snakes out of the campsite altogether. So it is normal if you would have trouble sleeping in your tent. A friend of mine recently asked, “Don’t you get scared sleeping in a tent?”. Other quick tips for sleeping in a tent. Never considered camping with your dog before? As I crawled out of the tent and inspected the ground, there were no paw prints, no trace of an animal of any kind. Low-lying areas like ravines or dried up river beds can quickly and easily wash you away while you sleep.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'carandtent_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',110,'0','0'])); Of course, pitching your tent high up on a mountain can prove problematic as well. Other things to consider when pitching your tent are your proximity to animal dens, bug nests, and water sources. Most people leave their tents up at their campsite without fear of theft. Could the bear smell my chapstick? lol I have a fear of sleeping in tents. "First time traveling with roof top tent. Did he/she think we were food? This phobia is also known as hypnophobia, clinophobia, sleep … Over a year later, while camping at Smoky Mountain National Park, I awoke to a noise I assumed was a bear’s breath, jarred out of my sleep and into an instant cold sweat. Other campers are torn apart by angry bears, mountain lions, and even wolves. Also, consider that 1 out of 5 of these violent crimes will occur in or around your home.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'carandtent_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_15',109,'0','0'])); At this point, we’ve established that it is safe to sleep in a tent so I won’t bore you with any more statistics. Johnny D. Lv 5. Get comfy – bring an air mattress or comfortable sleeping pad along with sleeping bags and pillows. See, sleeping in a tent is actually what you make of it. Never let your fear of failing stop you from having the best night’s sleep of your life. We prepare before our trips, we read about where we are going, learn about proper food storage and protection equipment, and take the time to watch the videos about what to do if [insert animal encounter]. Thats when i decided to go to this website for answers to How To Over Come Your fear of sleeping in a tent. A person could quickly and easily duck into your tent and grab your gear without being noticed. Anything less and you’ll run the risk of the fire sparking back up even after you think it’s died out. Neither of these animals makes good house guests. Learn how to deal with them by visiting my post titled, “Is It Warmer Inside A Tent“. Maybe you have even frozen or have heard stories from friends who had a bad night in the tent. You can... 7 Easy Ways To Get Internet While Camping. I may be hesitant to go out and pee in the middle of the night by myself, I may have trouble falling asleep, I might even have a bad dream. Alternatively, there may be a place for them to string their food up. Also, many people forget that a tent stove can’t be monitored if you go to sleep. While it isn’t common, some people have been victimized while sleeping in their tents. State and national parks aren’t the only places you can sleep in a tent. Sleeping conditions on the Appalachian Trail are sufficiently benign that you can use a foam pad or an inflatable pad without worrying about damaging them when sleeping in a tent or shelter. The following night proved again that my mind had the better of me. Absolutely and often. Most of the time tents are too cumbersome, or we don't have an efficient way to transport them.. Another disadvantage of sleeping in a tent, is how it reduces situational awareness.If someone attacks you at night, you have to fight your way out of the tent before you can begin engaging. Nevertheless I lay awake fearing a mountain lion would walk up to our camp. Don’t give in to this temptation. The idea of sleeping in a tent without any hard walls to protect you can feel scary. Moisture isn’t the only thing you need to deal with either. The weather in Houston this week has been perfect, About an hour away from Crater Lake National Park, Dreaming of what to do after all of this? Answer #11 | 26/08 2015 01:15 never try it 1 decade ago. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to take your valuables with you or to lock them up in your car. I had heard loud breathing, but it was only my husband, deep in sleep, breathing right next to my ear. 0 0. Mikaela says: We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Evade situations like this by simply packing up and leaving. One thing I have had lots of experience with over the years in the Army is sleeping outside without a tent. What we don’t do? Put simply, sleep dread is the fear of falling asleep. Firstly, don’t sleep alongside of the road. “I’m fine; I’m the more dangerous animal”, I thought, and though it took well over an hour to do so, I finally fell asleep. But that’s OK, because the views, the fresh air, the feeling of being in the wild – it makes it all worth it. Talking of good sleep, some people dread sleeping in a tent. Sometimes though, the cold can catch us by surprise. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This being said, these incidents are extremely rare and in almost all cases, you’re safer sleeping in a tent than you are sleeping outside of your tent. At one point in your life, tent camping was not fun. Leave your tent’s door open and you’ll be inviting every mosquito, tick, scorpion, spider, and ant in the area to stop on in. Well, let me be completely honest: I encounter some level of fear every time I sleep in a tent. Everything you need to know. Absolutely and often. Many state and national parks will allow you to cook your food at your campsite but you’ll want to check with your facility before you do.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'carandtent_com-box-4','ezslot_6',111,'0','0'])); In the backcountry, I’d advise that you never cook at your campsite. Among all the seven billion people alive today you are the only one afraid of sleeping in tents, particularly in circus tents. Let a little fear prevent us from doing something we love. Sleeping in a new place is unsettling, especially to some people. Make sure your tent is set up far enough away from the road that you can’t be seen by passers-by. I listened to find out where the bear was, wondering if it would attack me or my husband first. Some people go camping to get away from it all, while others go camping to add some excitement to their life. A backpacker sleeping in a tent may even have to fend off witches and other supernatural beings. In fact, there are even reports of large crocodiles pulling people from their tents. We’re going camping in a few weekends, and I’m sure by the end of the trip I’ll have another late night fear episode to add to my collection. Again, I imagined my fear, and awoke the next morning scolding myself for, once again, wasting precious sleep. Extreme heat and extreme cold can both be hazardous to your health. There may be dangerous animals such as bears, mountain lions, or snakes in the area. October 23, 2020 at 3:18 pm . It is best to follow the same routine before sleeping in a bed for camping is to help your body get ready to sleep instead to just trying hard to sleep but failing. This means you need to be careful not to pitch your tent near trees with dead branches on them or near areas that could be prone to landslides. Here are a few other tips to try help you fall asleep. Well, let me be completely honest: I encounter some level of fear every time I sleep in a tent. The smells you generate could entice animals to come to visit and the food smells could end up sticking to your tent long after you’ve finished your meal. Insomnia, which affects as many as 40% of Americans at one time or another, is the most common cause of this fear. Avoid liquids before bed ... 50+ crowd – be ready to sacrifice a Nalgene bottle if nature calls at 3am and you are not willing to risk opening the tent for fear of flooding it with mosquitoes!! One of the primary dangers of sleeping in a tent is the fact that you don’t have a solid barrier between you and nature. Re: tent size and down sleeping bags. I imagined it sniffing and exploring for a weakness in a seam, looking for a way in to our beef jerky and Larabars. I trembled and turned to wake up Andoni, realizing instantly that there was no bear, no threat of death lurking outside the tent. It is also called ‘Hypnophobia’, the fear of being hypnotized, a condition where the person is literally made to go in a sleep-like state. Typically, large hammocks will not sink between them. That said, there is a lot to learn about making sure you stay safe from snakes while camping. Camping Without a Tent – Why, Where, When, and How. 8. Is it safe to sleep outside without a tent. A good rule of thumb is to upsize by at least 1 or 2 people for comfort. ... Sleeping with an empty belly will keep you turning and tossing till dawn due to the chilly feeling. How To Lock A Tent - Securing Your Valuables While Camping. Overcoming The Learning Curve The 10-year-old began his 'adventure' on March 28 to raise money for a hospice and has camped for 200 days. Later on in the night, the drunks decide to attack him in his tent while he’s sleeping. Some people sleep in forest areas, others sleep in private campgrounds, and some people will even sleep on BLM land right alongside the road. Staying in a tent can make people feel vulnerable. This summer I helped interview a trail runner who regularly camps solo so she can be near the big mountains she trains on. Fear of Sleeping in a tent. On our first night camping on the Marufo Vega trail at Big Bend National Park, I laid awake convinced that a critter was only inches from my face, clawing at the tent. Me and my husband love it. Is it safe to leave my tent at my campsite? Are Tents Fire Resistant? I wish I could say that since then I’ve learned how to relax, that I’ve graduated from feeling afraid when I’m sleeping outside by myself, but that would be a lie. The most practical sleeping attire is form-fitting long underwear. Sleeping in the middle of a nature, no worry about reservations, searching and calling hotels. The fear of sleep is related to fear of the unknown. Because of the fear and anxiety associated with falling asleep, the person suffering from it may find that they’re unable to fall asleep, despite being exhausted. Just today i went camping but when i went in the tent , i felt Scared . This list of misplaced fears could continue down this page in a never ending stream of similar scenarios, a chronicle of lost sleep followed by laughing at myself in the morning. Luckily, camping doesn't mean that you should sacrifice your sleeping comfort. To put this number into perspective, almost 300 million people visited the National Parks that year. Other names for it include somniphobia, hypnophobia, sleep phobia, and sleep anxiety. And that is what Andoni and I do. Check out my post on camping with dogs! De-escalate situations like this by making peace before heading off to bed.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'carandtent_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])); Your family, your friends, or even your dog can all make sleeping in a tent safer and more enjoyable. Out of the 320,000,000 people living in the U.S., this number still isn’t bad but it puts your chance of becoming the victim of a violent crime at .3%. Anyone else have this? My fear of staying out in the cold always made me put away my camping gear every time winter set in. But is it even possible to lock a tent? Keeping a level surface will also lessen the chances of puddles or weather damage around your tent. I failed to complete it on the same day and ended up sleeping in a food storage shack which belonged to the porters at the campsite. The real question we have to ask ourselves isn’t whether or not sleeping in a tent is safe. When the sun began to brighten up the tent the next morning, I awoke to find the noise unchanged, still present. Christopher Schopf loves camping, hiking, canoeing, and basically anything that gets him outdoors. Only use a heater in your tent when someone is awake and around to keep an eye on it. The main way to cut down on tent fires is to completely extinguish your fires each night. Getting your kids to get over their fear of sleeping alone takes time and determination. Plus, as discussed earlier, the sounds do get a lot freaky in the darkness of the night causing fear and anxiety. Also, keep in mind that most of the victims of these crimes weren’t sleeping in a tent at the time of their victimhood. Luckily, it’s easy to avoid getting burned in your tent while you sleep. I could hear it scratching its little claws at the ground, could see it depressing the tent fabric inwards ever so slightly. If, on the other hand, you fear claustrophobia after sleeping for a while, one of the best solutions is to try a more extensive hammock. For example, a dog’s superior hearing and sense of smell could alert you to danger long before any human might recognize the impending threat. One way tent campers try to make themselves feel a bit safer is by locking their tents up. If you remove your clothes from the day and put on fresh, dry, long underwear, you will feel refreshed and clean enough to sleep comfortably. Somniphobia causes extreme anxiety and fear around the thought of going to bed. Camping is all up to you and your own adventure style. The long answer is: yes. Also, consider the fact that you don’t necessarily have to make your tent warm in the winter. There may be challenging landscape to navigate or even a threat of dangerous insects. On a warm day, it might seem practical to leave your tent’s door open to let the warm air out and the cool air in. Instead of letting your fire burn itself out, put it out yourself before you head off to bed. A wet tent can quickly become a deadly tent. Never bring food into your tent and consider cooking your food away from your tent. 3. My mind had gotten the better of me and my tired eyes were now wishing they could go back in time and get that hour of sleep back. I imagined the noise the padding of paws would make, wondered if I’d even hear the steps at all or if I’d be awoken by the swipe of a claw against my skin. Anyone who says they aren’t scared while camping might be considered uninformed. On cold nights having a fire is an integral part of camping. You’ll also want to bring bug and animal sprays with you. Foam sleeping pads are: Much less expensive; More comfortable for back sleepers; Require virtually no effort to setup I would rather sleep in a sleeping bag under the stars than in a tent. I have calculated that we saved around 600 EUR that we would normally have to pay for hostels and hotels. You’ll also have to make sure you’re not pitching your tent in an area that is prone to flooding. You want a balance between space (to move around in) and energy here, so probably not something you can stand up in. Max Woosey from Devon has raised £60k sleeping in a tent since lockdown began. Before you know it, you’ll find that everything about living outside is … I asked if she usually sleeps in her car or in a tent. I hated that hiker for telling us that tale and let my mind wonder if I had kept my chapstick in my pocket or not. There are serious dangers any time you adventure into the wild, some caused by wildlife, others man-made, and the prudent adventurer will prepare for these threats. The scratching, though technically not any louder in the sunshine than in the dark, now seemed smaller, less significant, silly to ever have worried about. Dress right ... even when you cannot cuddle while sleeping, sharing a tent is also a way of how to stay warm in a sleeping bag. A friend of mine recently asked, “Don’t you get scared sleeping in a tent?” The short answer is: yes. It also requires you to not make these five mistakes: Don’t believe the fear of sleeping alone will fix itself. I told myself it was harmless, the noise it was making wasn’t loud enough to be anything larger than a squirrel. In the movies, campers find ax murderers in their tents. A single ember can quickly set your tent ablaze. Do your research and practice various methods to find what is best for you. Do so by pouring water over it. bad experience when I was younger I guess. Somebody please answer Me I cleared my throat and coughed, hoping to spook the creature into leaving, but it was persistent. I told my dad i was feeling sick so he told me to go Sit in the car and when I did go in the car , I felt Better. To steal your tent, a person would have to completely take it down and pack it up before anyone noticed them so there is a high risk of getting caught.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'carandtent_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',115,'0','0'])); The same rule does not apply to the items inside of your tent. The word Somniphobia is derived from Latin somnus meaning sleep and phobos meaning fear. Also, consider looking at crime maps of the areas you’ll be sleeping in. On top of all of this, there are real dangers that people might have to worry about.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'carandtent_com-box-3','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])); So we have to ask ourselves, is it safe to sleep in a tent? Probably goes with "agoraphobia" fear of the outside. Now, due to the lack of darkness and my husband awake beside me, I could assess the scratching sound with a more reasonable mind. The fire can also be the key to heating your tent. With the right gear and adequate preparation, you will sleep better than a … This website is all about camping and other outdoor related activities related to camping. Bear sprays aren’t just for when you’re camping with mountain lions and bears. For example, a man has an argument with the drunks staying at the campsite next to them. Thus, Somniphobia is the fear of sleeping or falling asleep. And we have much more time to actually explore the world around us. Try a bigger tent, not a tiny one - claustrophobia is a bad thing, and not fun at 4am. The short answer is: yes. I vividly replayed a scene from the movie Backcountry over and over again in my mind, imagining fighting for my life. Come explore with us as we continue to produce content around camping, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, snowshoeing, and everything else you might do outside. According to statistics provided by the FBI and the Department of Justice, you’re less likely to fall victim to a crime while sleeping in a tent on public land than you are while sleeping at home. … In 2014, the National Park Service reported 360 violent crimes. In the light, I could see the shape of tiny branches brushing the now translucent fabric and realized: the noise I was hearing was only the breeze scraping a thorny bush against the tent. SLEEPING CAPACITY - Capacity ratings tend to overstate the number of people (and sleeping pads) that fit in a tent, so it’s best not to rely on that number unless you enjoy sleeping like sardines. As we camped further down the trail, out in the open on a ridge, there was no bush to scratch and scare me. Sure, there are reasons to be afraid when you sit in your tent at night. An unemployed and homeless personal support worker who's been living in a tent at Victoria Park since late June says she and her fianc take turns sleeping at night for fear of being robbed. If an area is known for its crime outside of the camping areas, it probably has high crime rates inside of them as well. This one step alone will reduce your chances of falling victim to a random crime of opportunity. But yet, despite these experiences, I still get excited to sleep outside among things I fear – not because I’m a thrill seeker – but because I know that most often than not, my perceived fear is greater than the actual risk of something happening. There have been reports of bears, mountain lions, and wolves attacking tents. When people don’t get the sleep they need, they become concerned. Many dogs make great camping and backpacking companions and they bring safety advantages to the table that humans just can’t bring. No matter your level of ‘expertise’ in hiking or camping, it behooves you and your travelling companions to spend the time to prepare for your trip through the lens of safety. But you tried again, with newly learned skill and accessories. We know sleeping in a tent is almost always safe, so we just need to ask ourselves, how can we make it even safer? Another way to avoid tent fires is to refuse to do anything inside your tent that could cause a tent fire. This means that when you’re beach camping, you’ll want to consider how close you are to the ocean and when you’re in the woods, you’ll want to consider how close you pitch your tent to fire ant nests, hornet nests, and any other creatures that might want to bite or sting you while you sleep. Keep the tent clean. Keeping your tent closed isn’t the only thing you can do to keep animals and bugs out. Tent Sleeping Tips for Going to Bed Routine. Sleeping outside without a tent is usually safe but you will have to worry about some things that you wouldn’t have to worry about inside of a tent. your sleeping bag should be fairly close fitting (i.e. That means you had a .00012% chance of becoming the victim of violent crime in a national park that year. The long answer is: yes. Now, on flat, dry ground with tent stakes, a footprint, a rain-fly and sleeping pad, you were ready for anything. About | Contact | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Site Map | Terms, link to How To Lock A Tent - Securing Your Valuables While Camping, link to 7 Easy Ways To Get Internet While Camping, How To Stay Safe While Sleeping In A Tent. If you get too hot, sleep outside of the covers. In some cases, this happened because of something that was said or done earlier in the evening. Avoid situations like this by avoiding the argument in the first place. Instead, you may want to keep the focus on keeping yourself warm.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'carandtent_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])); Remember, it won’t matter if your tent is below freezing if your safe and warm inside of your sleeping bag and sleeping clothes. I was scared of camping alone and spending a whole night in the mountain so I tried to finish the trek in a single day without carrying a tent. But it’s not that bad, because the main cause of my fear at night is noise + a healthy imagination. Trust me on this one - I stood outside in 40-degree weather on top of a cliff in boxers, rather than get back inside my tiny tent with its warm sleeping bag. Here are ten tips you can use to stay safe while sleeping in a tent. A good bear spray can help deter people as well as other potentially aggressive animals like wild dogs, coyotes, and wolves. Sleeping outside without a tent is usually safe but you will have to worry about some things that you wouldn’t have to worry about inside of a tent. If you like these kinds of statistics, you can find a wealth of information over at,, and Parents will often tell me, “It is not like he is going to want to … It takes them quite a while to adjust to the new place and they keep waking up at every little sound. To this website is all up to our beef jerky and Larabars looking for a way in to camp. Felt scared help deter people as well as other potentially aggressive animals like dogs... Anyone who says they aren ’ t common, some people dread sleeping in a sleeping bag should fairly... With either normal if you would have trouble sleeping in a tent find out the. A mountain lion would walk up to you and your own adventure.! Near the big mountains she trains on place and they bring safety advantages to the table humans! 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