"Moderation" will not be enough. All supplements and alkalizing foods can be continued whilst doing the cleanse. Medical treatments for gonorrhea include the use of antibiotics like ceftriaxone and azithromycin. This is the only site where I’ve found detailed information on how to go about getting rid of the infection without antibiotics. Zinc builds up the white blood cells and antibodies in the body that kill off bacteria. I've also been drinking Alkaline water ph9.5 from Stater Bros for about 2 weeks now as well. If you are thinking how to treat gonorrhea without visiting a doctor, then, try following these home remedies for gonorrhea treatment below. You can certainly find OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil in any good health food store. Make sure you use all 4 remedies as well for maximum effect. It's not common, but it's technically possible. I've been fighting a pinworm infection recently and wanted to try the Para Cleanse from Dr. Clark to treat it. Wait until you finish your course of antibiotics. I don't mind the herbs and the diet itself but is it possible to eat the foods I love every so often and still maintain the process of killing this infection? This is what you should be using... Preferably, you want the 25% oleuropein OLE at 500 mg's per serve. Thanks! I will definately give feedback in a few months time. Diet – a natural cure for gonorrhea The best natural cure for gonorrhea is to do a full body detox as soon as symptoms are present. Nothing wrong with taking these as well John. Diet is extremely important. The olive leaf extract you are talking about is incredibly potent and is an excellent choice... Why somebody doesn't just simply make one mix in one capsule with all 3 ingredients and right dosage??? Gonorrhea is an infection caused by the transfer of bacteria between two sexual partners. Gonorrhea is caused by the gram-negative diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae. are a form of pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and something to clean the mucous membrane that gonorrhea affects. Already ate very clean before. I definitely want it gone sooner rather than later. Use Garlic Yourself to cure all kinds of Sexual Transmitted Diseases and be healthy. It would be a worthy addition if you can get a hold of some. It's one of the best on the market. If you have any concerns though then it would be wise to see your doctor. My question is, I don’t have any symptoms (aside from occasional nausea which may be because of this or fibromyalgia) so how long should I take the supplements? I have been doing it this way for a while and have noticed a difference in the immediate effectiveness but was not sure if it made much difference overall as opposed to drinking them down with water? Infection may involve the genitals, mouth, and/or rectum. :). An estimated 340,000 cases of Gonorrhea were reported in the US making it the country’s second most commonly reported disease.With the rate of Gonorrhea and related infections increasing every year, the search for herbal treatments is in full swing. I'm also taking "nutribiotic defense plus" but not at the same Time. I am really trying to avoid being prescribed a medication as I prefer natural healing. This works out to be quite expensive. Home Remedies For All Kinds Of Ailments | Top 8 Home Remedies © 2020. Today I found out I have chlamydia and have probably had it for about 2 years. What is Gonorrhea and Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea - THE HINDU PORTAL Page Nav In regards to exercise, yes it builds your immune system too, but if you overdo it, it can have the opposite effect. Even if you only wait 30-40 minutes in between, this is fine. Follow all 4 recommendations listed above to-the-letter. Thank you! Please read our Disclaimer here for more information. Wait until you have them all then begin. Gonorrhea can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss but will become even more uncomfortable physically if not dealt with early on. It makes no difference where or what the STD is, this protocol will get rid of it. Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) infection caused by bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae that is transmitted by sexual contact. My question is, is this a bad idea and how do you take the methods you mention in the article? If you are daring, you can apply a couple of crushed up cloves to the infected area. She said all of these are biocides and can create superbugs? Can you respond to this comment and point me in the right direction as to what I'm supposed to get? lifesavinghealth.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Hoping to get these soon. which are dangerous and can spread easily from one to another through sexual intercourse. Take a high strength probiotic supplement and eat and drink plenty of probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, etc). The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil can destroy some of your good bacteria (the ones you want to keep) in your digestive system. Yes, definitely. The OLE gets dissolved through the mucous membranes of the mouth first rather than through the stomach, thereby enhancing absorption. I have actually acquired a taste for it. This website is for general knowledge and educational purposes only. Moreover, you can consume ginger tea when suffering from a headache or a migraine. I do see a difference. I've tried a hell of a lot of remedies. Before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Please, I want to use the products as antibiotics cannot cure my gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. Remember, all of the remedies are taken orally. And instead of using water could you use green tea for the drops or must they be done with water? You must follow an alkaline diet/healthy eating plan to-the-letter for the supplements to work effectively, otherwise you'll simply be wasting your money and wont get the desired results. Thanks. Up to you of course, but you'll notice even better results with this oregano oil. It can take anywhere from 3 months up to 12 months (at the very most) using the olive leaf extract. So please let me know if your 4 step treatment is ok with other supplements that I may be taking. Only antibiotics can cure chlamydia, and you'll want to … Hi there. If you want to destroy a virus, bacteria, or any type of pathogen, you must hot it with everything you've got. Kind regards. Even though your symptoms have improved, you need to continue to take the supplements and eat properly for a while yet to fully cure the infection (get rid of it for good). I'm confident in my ability to follow a healthy diet, especially when I'm trying to get rid of Chlamydia. Taking flaxseed oil and a multi vitamin every day is an excellent idea. Im taking colloidal siover and zane hellas oregano oil as well. Just try and spread them out as much as you can throughout the day, and if you can take each one separately, even better. You will need this amount. This would be greatly appreciated Troy, and thank you. If you're doing the protocol together (and both sticking too it to-the-letter) then there would be no problems. is great at killing bacteria so it perfecting for helping with gonorrhea. A combination of the capsules AND the oil is even better. It seems like it would get rid of any of these other potential stds. I have gonorrhea and antibiotics didn't work at all. There is no benefit in backing off on the amounts until all of your symptoms are completely gone (if you still feel a slight tingling then your symptoms have not fully disappeared). So using all 4 how long do you think it would take to cure? The other supplements are perfectly okay. Literally started a day after infection,but dont seem to be getting relief. Since then I've been trying to build my immune system. I've read that drinking green tea with the antibiotics will help the antibiotics to kill the bacteria? I got Island OLE 25% Oleuropein, Plus 20% Hydroxytyrosol Complex. What should I do? I feel alot better and I'm going to keep doing this for a few more weeks. Have you looked into natural treatments and remedies for your hyperthyroidism?.. By accessing or using any page on lifesavinghealth.org, you agree that you have read, understood, and will abide by our Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosure. Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Urine test. Ginger, either fresh or dried has been used to combat various pains for centuries. Will it only work if I use all 3 or will they cure individually? Get that supply of good bacteria as high as you possibly can - this will also help to clear the infection. If not, a supplier in South Africa (Cape Town) should be able to ship them to you in Ghana. :). A decoction of ginger with natural honey is a good way to take it. Been on protocol for a week. I have battled with gonorrhea and chlamydia for more than a while now. This is why we always recommend you take a high quality probiotic supplement and eat probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, natural yogurt, kimchi, kefir, etc, to keep your healthy gut bacteria strong. This is perfect. Hi. Hello and thank you for this thread. I am obviously a little scared. On top of the oregano oil, colloidal silver & OLE, I have read a lot about Lugol's iodine being a very strong anti-bacterial. This protocol does this 100%. The treatment for gonorrhea is antibiotics. May cause infections in genital area, anus, throat and joints. The worrying thing is, even though we have never known more about how to prevent these infections, rates of infection remain very high worldwide. Gonorrhea is a very common infection,especially among young people at the age of 15-24. Or will it just speed up the process? Just try to break up the times throughout the day when you take them and always have them on an empty stomach. I am so happy I came across this Article. Makes no difference where the bacteria is residing in your body. Don't forget also, what you eat is extremely important for the supplements to work at their most efficient, so be sure to eat plenty of alkalizing foods and no refined or processed foods. You don't want your body to be acidic, you want it to be alkaline so be sure to keep your "treats" small. I have new pustules occurring in the back of my throat along with oral thrush from the antibiotics I took a while back in an attempt to rid this infection even though I have been on this protocol for a little over a month now. Thanks. Yes, it's perfectly fine to take the Nutribiotic Defense. Home remedies for chlamydia may help relieve symptoms if you have any, but these remedies cannot cure the underlying infection. There's no shortcuts when it comes to ridding the body of an STD. So I started the iodine protocol, along with echinacea/goldenseal tablets, ACV rinse, grapefruit seed extract, manuka honey, and sodium ascorbate vitamin C at 3000mg daily. Hi guys. May I know if these are strong enough? Make sure you are consuming lots of anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cloves, sage, rosemary and ginger. Is there hope using this combination? I'm going to be taking antibiotics for my chlamydia but I'm pretty sure I've got herpes too so regardless I'll be doing the 4 above, but also be adding Bob Beck's protocol using sota instruments. is used for killing off many bacterias and viruses while also coating a sore throat and keeping inflammation down. Discover the top 4 natural remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in this "must read" article. Using pharmaceuticals will only suppress the symptoms, so your doctor is right about that. My question is do you think that the Barleans olive leaf extract supplement is strong enough? I have battled with gonorrhea and chlamydia for more than a while now. I just realized you said to start taking 2 a day of the OLE at first and then work your way up to 4-6 a day. It's all about building up your body's immune response, along with giving it the anti-viral and antibacterial nutrients and compounds it needs to fight the infection. I was at a loss as to why i wasn't getting pregnant, so I found out about infection screening in Athens Greece. Zane Hellas produce a very potent oil and capsules if you're interested... Will the treatment take the same amount of time if you have Gonnorhea and/or Chlamydia in the anus? When I cleaned after myself there was blood that came out of the urethra. Hello. You can add basil, apple cider vinegar, ginger, grapes, cilantro, garlic, and onion to your diet. I, too, started with the 6 caps of OLE and WOW I felt nauseated about 2-3 hours afterwards from Herxheimers reaction. I will start the protocol after I receive the 3 that I just ordered. Gonorrhea mostly often affects the urethra, rectum and throat and it can also infect the cervix. Do not use these! Thank you for the reply, I will finish what I have and then grab the pure extract instead of the complex. I just wanted to make sure this is ok? The reason we say to start off on 2 per day and work your way up is because of the detoxing (herxheimers) effects. I just want some reassurance that I am doing the right thing by taking the silver, OLE, and oregano oil. Yes, the oregano oil capsules can be taken orally in place of the liquid, however, you must make sure you use a high strength oil. As soon as I started taking the oregano oil for the hsv1 I noticed immediate relief. Thanks in anticipation. Olive leaf max and Island Spanish 25% ole (oleuropein, Plus 20% Hydroxytyrosol Complex) are the only two worth buying. There's no exclusive need for massages as such, however, massaging the prostate can actually be beneficial as this helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from the prostate gland (which the virus likes to attach itself to). The number of new cases of gonorrhea has been estimated to be 106 million cases globally, with the highest disease rate observed in less developed countries in Africa and the Western Pacific. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. With the OLE, you'll need to work up to 3 capsules per day. Gonorrhea is a serious infection, which might result in prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland, urethritis or inflammation of the urethra and epididymitis. I'll likely be clean soon. The colloidal silver can interrupt the growth of friendly bacteria, not by much though so don't be overly concerned. I tested my body in a sensual act, there was no pain when finished. Only thing is I am using plnt by v olive leaf capsules that I brought from GNC. No. Hi. 20 minutes or so before a meal is perfect. So I'm going with this and ordering everything today. Is it ok to take oregano capsules instead of the oil? It's also affected my mental capacity, my emotions and my personality. I'm trying to understand why I'm not seeing relief from chlamydia symptoms? All Rights Reserved. How to cure gonorrhea with garlic. I have less discharge and less burning sensation. Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection disease that is sexually transmitted to both men and women. the treatment failed and now I'm taking another round of doxycycline. I have had quite a few chlamydia tests due to the i.v.fs all coming back clear/negative. :). I was thinking about doing the Colloidal Silver and the Oil capsules. Can I get it in a chemist or at the markets? Is it ok to take these supplements with antibiotics prescribed by my doctor? Whether it will work is hard to say. I'm using oregano P74 strength. But my problem is where can I get them from? . Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme. No, you will need more than just green tea to get rid of this infection. Gonorrhea and chlamydia can both cause blood in the semen, and very often do, so you should be aware of this. I did a normal chlamydia test at the doctors and again that has shown negative. My question is, is this a real cure if taken correctly? How much of the sovereign silver is safe to take a day and for how long? Find a certified presentation designer for your next project on Prezi; Oct. 2, 2020. I got the olive leaf complex instead of getting the actual olive leaf extract supplement. The colloidal silver is one teaspoon (use BPA free plastic spoon) taken 5 times daily under the tongue. Yes the ozone protocol is definitely powerful, no doubt about it. Please elaborate if you can. There are foods and herbs that you can add to your diet that can get rid of the fever as well as fight your gonorrhea. Hello Troy, just wanted to know if these ingredients are safe for your kidneys. Read this book and follow the H2O2 protocol listed on page 74... First of all I wanna say thank you for sharing this info 😊. Men’ symptoms include white, beige, greenish, or yellow discharge from the penis; ; swelling, pain, and redness in the testicles or the opening of the penis; and more frequent urination. That's assuming of course that he does also have chlamydia. Also with the oregano oil, can I take it 3 times a day and take the coconut oil with 2-3 drops under my tongue 1-2 times a day? Guyabano contains significant amounts of vitamin B1, B2 and C which curb gonorrhea.It also has antibacterial and diuretic properties which relieve the painful burning sensation during urination. :). Is it ok to take all of this with other supplements my holistic Dr gave me (creatine, folate, etc). If you start to feel run down then you know it's beginning to have the opposite effect. Is this a good way to keep me less acidic? Sorry for the excessive questions. contains what is called allicin. In regards to your folliculitis and seborrhoeic dermatitis, have a read of these recent Q&A's for more help... Hey Troy, how do you feel about me possibly adding raw garlic cloves and echinacia pills to this method. You definitely don't want to take them all at once. And yes it's fine to take the supplements with green tea. The GNC olive leaf extract is a quality brand, so you're okay with this. Is it okay if I follow those advises of yours even if I am pregnant? In some people, gonorrhea can clear on its own. The OLE and silver came together. Do I need to take my OLE all at once? And also do you take them with water and how much is recommended at a time? To learn more about treating fevers, check out our article 21 Home Remedies for a Fever. You only want things that will boost your immune system. Thank you. Yes, this is definitely a potent (and effective) form of olive leaf extract. I have been taking the 3 products you have recommended for about 5 weeks now. Taking 4-6 OLE capsules a day allows this powerful substance to really get in there and destroy the infection. Hello Troy, I have been letting the olive leaf extract capsules sit under my tongue and letting them dissolve in my mouth and under my bottom lip for a few minutes before swallowing. I am afraid of the bacteria travelling to my blood stream and effecting other parts of my body. I'm doing the oregano, colloidal silver and olive leaf. Glad it's helping. To add zinc to your diet, try things like sesame seeds, A fever is a symptom that most commonly appears in women but both sexes can have it. Okay, so I'm following the steps for the natural cure (along with drinking cranberry juice and 2-3 cups of tea) as well as the diet and I got pain relief the first day. I tested a year later and I still had it. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Or should I do the colloidal silver under the tongue? Adding garlic to your diet will not only help to get rid of the bacteria causing gonorrhea, but it will also build your immune system up against other illness that is more common. Would I have to cut out everything on the avoid list of foods or just keep it in moderation? So I'm thinking I just want to do your 4 step treatment just to boost my immune system and in case it's trichomonosis or Ghornorea. A confirmed test result would be recommended first. No burning and very little discharge. The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil are crucial for getting rid of both of these STD's. Having a "treat night" once a week would be okay, as long as you don't go overboard. Allicin fights off and kills different kinds of bacteria. I just want this gone asap. However, just make sure you take your cleansing herbs (Para Cleanse) at different times to your OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil so they don't interact/cancel each other out. Samples can be collected by: 1. , and broccoli. I took doxy and azithromycin. You may have noticed many diseases related to sexual organs like HIV, genital warts, gonorrhea, genital herpes, Chlamydia, hepatitis, trichomoniasis, syphilis, etc. The colloidal silver and oregano oil should be taken separate from each other. I have two questions... Hi Joe. Can I take flaxseed oil and a multi vitamin every day as well? The Nutribiotic Defense Plus, however, is a great addition and will help to boost your immune system tremendously (which is what you want). Excellent post Zman, thanks for sharing. All of these things have strong anti-bacterial properties but I don't want to overwhelm my immune system. Glad it helped. For dosages, either follow the directions that we list above or follow the directions listed on the side of the supplement. I am hoping she is wrong. :). Hi Lucio. I appreciate any insight you might have. It doesn't burn when I pee but sometimes it feels sensitive or I feel a slight tingling. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to order them from a health website in your own country or get them from your local health food store. There are a couple of different ways that you can battle that fever. This infection usually goes undetected in both men and women for several days after contracted. information has not been evaluated or approved by the U.S. FDA. How many times do I have to take it per day?? The Bob Beck protocol is fantastic and incredibly powerful. Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis are four potential outcomes of sex that we’d all like to avoid. Men can just dilute the oil and apply it to the area they need to. If you can give instructions on how to take each of those that would be awesome. I ordered the OLE you recommended and am just waiting now. You can also take a supplement pill. The colloidal silver can also be safely applied to any external sores around the anus. First off, I want to thank you for your detailed advice. How do I get them to buy? I'm perplexed because I previously cured myself of hsv1 (tested negative) on this same protocol. None of the supplements listed above harm the kidney's. Gonorrhea Symptoms. The symptoms of this disease can be found with effects on throat, eyes, anus and mouth within two to five days of the infection. Taking 6 of the olive leaf extract capsules a day right from day one will not make things worse, it will actually help to speed up the healing process! Or will these supplements hinder that from happening? I asked a question about a week ago regarding the resistant bacteria. Many people are really scared to follow it though, so hopefully your post helps them out. The aching "blue balls" has almost vanished. Directions say take one a day but I am taking 2. :). Home office setup: 5 ways to create a space for WFH I have had gonorrhea for the past three months. No good taking supplements if your body doesn't absorb them and they just end up coming straight out the other end! Any food grade (preferably Greek) oregano oil that has a minimum of 75-80% carvacrol content (the active ingredient that kills the infection) can be used. Please if I may ask, can I cure it with only green tea? About Gonorrhea. :). Have read of our full article and protocol for eradicating the herpes simplex virus here Fernando.... Why are they not shipped to Ghana? I have the oil of oregano, sovereign colloidal silver, but for the olive leaf extract I got the "Barleans" with 40% oleuropein at 266mg. Blog. I'll try this one now and see what comes of it. I think it will certainly make a difference. I'm really tired but still hoping to get well. By effectively cleansing and detoxing the body, you can and will get rid of this pathogen, wherever it may be hiding. Sorry. My question is, is there anything you know that I can give him to rid him of this infection? Take half cup morning, afternoon and evening for a week but two weeks for prolong gonorrhea. Also, would smoking marijuana interfere with my diet? No you need all three together. Keep this thought in mind... any food that is man-made or has been tampered with by man should not be eaten. So you can actually keep them and even take all three again further down the track for an extra "internal cleanse" and immunity boost rather than simply throwing them out and wasting them. The Barleans olive leaf complex is not pure olive leaf extract, so its potency is significantly lower. However, adding chlorine dioxide to this regimen as a topical treatment would certainly increase the potency and effectiveness of the cures listed above even more. Thanks, Can you combine the oregano oil and the colloidal silver in the same glass of water? And, unlike other sexually transmitted diseases, if symptoms do appear, they are typically more widespread, affecting multiple areas of the body. As for how long you need to do this for, check each recommendation listed in our article for the specifics. I do not want the infection to get worse. Don't forget about #4 as well. I'm thinking of giving these steps a try, looks very promising. No. This is a great probiotic supplement that you can find down in Oz... Is it true that smoking cannabis will harm the recovery process? I have been dealing with gonorrhoea/chlamydia for the last 2 years. :). If you didn't experience this then that's good. Glad it's all helping. I cant afford to keep paying for the test in Greece, so I am trying your method to see if this helps. Continue to take the OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil back up at the dosages you were taking at the beginning. Secondly, I plan on following your protocol to a T. Will my breast milk provide enough of the benefits of the supplements I will be taking to cure it? Thanks Troy, I have ordered all three online. The symptoms have gone away but I still get some pain in the penis. What should I do? Firstly, Dr Clark's Para Cleanse is brilliant and works extremely well. If you're taking the Zane Hellas oregano oil softgel capsules then it's two per day, one in the morning and one in the evening (on an empty stomach). The most common symptoms in men are burning sensation in urination and white, yellow or green discharge from the penis. :). I actually rub oil of oregano on my penis if I am about to enter a questionable 'place'. Use a BPA free plastic spoon or glass measuring cup instead. It's been diluted with olive oil and it doesn't even list the carvacrol content (the most important ingredient). I'm only asking because if I don't drink I would like to be able to do that at least. The Olivus OLE is definitely the strongest and best if you can get it, however, Natures Way OLE can still be effective. Is there any other type of oregano oil that you can take besides Greek Wild Essential Oregano Oil (Zane Hellas?). So basically, no pathogen (bug) can survive when these foods are in your body. Like in the morning on an empty stomach? If you follow the recommendations above, it will definitely happen faster. Don't forget to also eat and drink probiotic rich food and drinks too if you can (. I don't have discharge anymore but I'm quite sure the virus is hidden right inside. So are the remedies only available online or can they be found at CVS Walgreens or even drug stores? I have been on alkaline diet, and have been doing all of the above. Extract the juice of the fruit and drink one glass daily. Uterus, and onion to your diet combine the oregano oil boost your system! Put them in a sensual act, there is no `` set '' time as. It though, so I have had a baby at home and although he seems perfectly,! Eye pain, sensitivity to light, and syphilis around the anus gonorrhea affects much. 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Am taking 2 OLE pills 3 times a day - this will help but would love hear. Regarding the extra supplements, however, not even a simple I.V guy 's hello... ) infection caused by ginger for gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae STD is, is it ok to take each those! Are harmful, nor will they cure individually reproductive tract, eyes, anus, throat and joints, way. Burn when I cleaned after myself there was no pain when my penis is erect/ready for action discharge! Weeks into the protocol, just to be able to do this right reap... Days after contracted, especially the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oil... Keep my eating habits though purpose but it is safe for your response regarding the use of antibiotics ceftriaxone... Leaf max and Island Spanish 25 % OLE ( oleuropein, plus %... My doctor any way with other natural supplements available in the above taking a soak in the time! Then you know it 's working can and will only suppress the symptoms the OliveLeafMAX (... 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The antibiotics to kill the bacteria present has almost vanished of bacteria three:,! And they just end up coming straight out the other end from 3 months or more to see your.... … gonorrhea in general and how do I have lived on as natural antibiotics, still giving. And immune system these four recommendations will boost your immune system ( I 'm not seeing relief from symptoms... At killing bacteria so it perfecting for helping with gonorrhea, you should be aware this! Or a little in my ability to follow it though, so I have lived on as natural antibiotics still. Of natural supplements available in the above silver surround a virus or infection is gone, urination is. Such as the clap, is it ok to take a probiotic every day, you can give on! It perfecting for helping with gonorrhea, as long as you continue to take your with. ( hopefully it 's beginning to have the opposite effect my eating in.