In contrast, the average corn crop yields 160 bushels per acre in New York and at a current price of under $4.00 per bushel equals only $640 per acre. Acre orchard w/27 trees per acre 1 $494.30 $488.30 2-4 $160.91 $154.91 5-7 $238.21 $232.21 8+ $548.50 $575.98 Total years 1-7 1691.66/Acre 1649.66/Acre Total Years 8-15 4676.00/Acre 4607.84/Acre Table 2. Locating hive on both sides of his orchard will at least "look" like he will have better coverage of his trees. Number of trees per acre for various common planting spacings 35 ft x 35 ft 35 trees per acre 40 ft x 40 ft 27 trees per acre Chestnut trees can be grown on land too hilly or poor for other crops, and produce 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of nuts per acre. And click the (Follow) button for notifications when I write something new. Even though this takes 12 to 15 years to reach this level (and that is assuming no disasters such as extreme weather events), this does not mean there is no income leading up to this point. That means that over it’s lifetime, each tree will average about 20 pounds of chestnuts per year. Trees Per Acre Table (By Diameter and Basal Area) Dr. Kim D. Coder- University of Georgia, December 1996 There are many types of natural resource planning and management applications that require estimating the number of trees for a given size that would occupy an acre of land. Researchers have developed several blight-resistant chestnut varieties that combine the best qualities of American and Chinese chestnut trees that can be grown in most areas of the U.S. When in full production, chestnuts will yield 1,000 to 4,000 lb per acre. A hundred acres would be worth $254,160,000 and 1,000 acres would be valued at $2,541,600,000. The top five states with the most chestnut acreage were Michigan, Florida, California, Oregon, and Virginia (NASS 2018). Chestnut trees typically produce pollen before they are mature enough to produce chestnuts. Acre orchards w/27 trees per acre Cost per Acre, based on 100 Acre orchard w/27 trees per acre 1 $494.30 $488.30 2-4 $160.91 $154.91 5-7 $238.21 $232.21 8+ $548.50 $575.98 Total years 1-7 1691.66/Acre 1649.66/Acre Total Years 8-15 4676.00/Acre 4607.84/Acre Table 2. If cashew production is to be your sole source of income, you will need to plant at least 200 ha of trees and be prepared to employ permanent staff. In the shadier areas you could add high-value medicinal plants such as ginseng and goldenseal. Labeling the tree positions is followed by digging and opening the holes. I've got a dozen chestnut trees that are now about 15 years old (they've been producing for 7 or 8 years now) and my bees rarely bother with them. When in … U.S. chestnut production is less than 1 percent of total world production. In fact, 100 trees per acre is the minimum to be classified as a forest in a particular program, and that's in Southern California, which is especially sparse land for trees. Once in production, a chestnut orchard will yield 1,000–2,000 pounds per acre per year. That means, over the 50 years of nuts produced…. Given local conditions and markets, a maximum rate of return on investment of 5.65% was achieved at 400 stems per acre after 34 years. Actually marking off an acre and counting the trees is one option. The three most popular Christmas trees are Balsam fir, Douglas fir and Scotch pine. The USDA does not report statistics on … As the trees grow bigger, the grove will be thinned, and mature groves will end up with trees on … Chestnut trees particularly flourish in the Mediterranean basin. When in full production, chestnuts will yield 1,000 to 4,000 lb per acre. In a few years I’ll be able to line out the cost side of this equation, though the maintenance of chestnut trees is pretty darn minimal compared to most tree crops. Dunstan Chestnuts can get large, as much as 60’ tall and 40’ wide. CHESTNUTS The American Chestnut was once the dominant tree in hardwood forests until the chestnut blight fungus destroyed it over 100 years ago. The USFS policy of fire suppression had an early and ironic start. Many max out their profits between $15,000 and $20,000 because there is a limited demand for Christmas trees in … If you own a tractor, it can be used to mark the distance between tree rows by simply mounting a metal or pvc pipe centered over top of the tractor body. Chestnut trees, like many other fruiting trees, can be kept much lower than their natural height through annual pruning. Japanese/European hybrids (1/2-3/4”) are estimated at $25/tree and a density of 80 trees per acre totaling a plant cost of $2,000/acre. How many fruit/nut trees would you plant if you had space for as many as you want? Hybrid chestnut. Now-a-days with the Internet and craigslist, etc, marketing your Christmas trees is … With the spacing I use in my plantings on various landowners’ properties, I start with ~50 trees per acre. The least Forecasted returns for the first 10 years in a one acre land is as follows. A chestnut tree starts yielding nuts at around 10 years old. We need to figure out how we are going to feed billions of people, without any topsoil left. The United States has 919 farms producing chestnuts on more than 3,700 acres. Aim for 75 to 100 trees per acre. Needless to say, I am excited about chestnut trees. The trees also require fertilizer on a monthly basis beginning in April and continuing through harvest, about 1/2 a pound of urea or 25 pounds of manure per application per tree. Hazels require similar annual input costs as corn, and organic sustainability should be readily achievable as the hazel tree is native unlike most annual crops grown. If you liked this story, hit me with some Claps so Medium will share it with others. As stated above, a single hive needs about one acre of land to support itself. Looking at a new property which has some large trees (beech, horse chestnut, sycamore) several elder, two hazelnuts, 4 apple trees,(could be a pear in there) what looks like a Mirabelle plum and many other small trees like holy, sumac etc. I am small farmer with abundant local markets, so I’ll assume a mid-range price of $10.00 per pound. All existing trees in the openings should be cut. In Florida, Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, a major source of planting stock for the hybrid Dunstan chestnut, reports that Dunstans can produce 2,000–4,000 pounds of nuts per acre per year at maturity. This is certainly kickstarting tree growth, but you end up with a thicket instead of a mature forest. For trees that will be harvested for lumber, space them 15 x 15 feet apart or closer. Many municipalities across the country short of cash are harvesting trees from city parks to manage their budgets. A substantial, long-lived deciduous tree, it produces an edible seed, the chestnut, which has been used in cooking since ancient times. Given that the U.S. imported 6.5 million pounds of chestnuts in 2017—and that those nuts fetch up to $5 per pound retail—there is a lot of opportunity for U.S. growers. For more depth, my new blog is live: Reconciling forest and tree conservation with food security, “When will I ever need Pythagoras?” — an honest response, [Badiou and Science] 1.4.1 The Surreal Numbers: Part 1, Quaternion Factorization: The Hamiltonian Maximality Theorem. Let’s get a few thousand acres into chestnuts in the next few years, and generate some fresh income for farmers and rural communities. That being said, at right around 1500 trees per acre, a 10 acre piece will yield you 15,000 (20 acres 30,000) trees. Trees in poplar bioenergy farms can be planted at 1,500 trees per acre, which is much closer together than those intended for more traditional uses such as pulp and paper, which range from 34 to 360 trees per acre (Stanturf et al. This gives you approximately 440 trees per acre. Sometimes reaching a height of more than 100 feet tall with trunk diameters often well over 10 feet, the American chestnut was the giant of the eastern U.S. forests. We recommend a 30’x30’ (54 trees per acre) or 40’x40’ (25 trees per acre) spacing for planting. Recently Tom Wahl made a claim on the Practical Farmers of Iowa list serve that 16 families could make a living farming on 160 acres using an agroforestry system. You can  watch the vidoe and others from the chestnut conferce on you tube at, 2017 Letts, Iowa Chestnut Conference Videos & Handouts, Comfortable Income on 10 Acres using Chestnuts & Pawpaws, Establishing and Maintaining Chestnuts Video,, Tom Wahl on Site Selection and Care of Chestnuts. That’s a LOT less work than our permaculture apple orchard, or almost any of the other crops we grow. Consider how many nectar sources are nearby and consult your local laws to see what kind of laws are in place regarding beehive placement. The fertilizer helps correct these deficiencies and chestnut trees will do much … Edits have been added. Chestnut trees require well-drained soils on the acidic side of the pH scale. If I decide to sell wholesale, getting $5.00 per pound is not unreasonable. Once the row is planted with trees, you simply measure 20 feet from the two starting points and repeat until the entire acre is planted with 400 trees. How much land do I need and what will be the income per acre? An abandoned orchard of fruitwood was sold for $300,000 Euros in France last year. I have been telling people for years that one reasonably fit adult should be able to manage 10 acres of chestnuts by his or herself (labor for harvesting being the limiting factor). Empress trees mature several times faster than your average oak or pine and absorb about 103 tons of carbon a year per acre. While a healthy acre of forest may have 30 trees or fewer, some now have 10 to 100 times that many. (it's winter my identification might be off) If there’s a glut of local organic chestnuts, I can imagine the price dropping a bit. Basically I just mow (or graze) the orchard, prune in the winter, and harvest. Pecan trees get very large – more than 80 feet tall, with a spread of 50 feet wide or more. 10 acres of chestnuts, well managed on a good site, should be able to produce 3,500 to 4,000 lbs per acre of nuts, for a total of 35,000 to 40,000 lbs on the 10 acres. Maintain this spacing until the trees reach 8" in diameter, then thin to increase spacing to 20'. If you’re an email person subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll let you know first whenever I post. This acre needs to have lots of flowering plants that can provide nectar to your bees. Also, like other fruiting trees, chestnut trees will produce more nuts per tree or per acre if the trees are pruned in ways that maximize nut production. The USFS policy of fire suppression had an early and ironic start. Example: conversion factor used = 2.47105 120 trees per acre = 120 * 2.47105 = 269.5 trees per hectare As you could probably guess, the most important component in my agroforestry system is chestnuts. These planting distances result in 182 trees per acre or 450 trees per hectare. Most farms don’t generate this much revenue, though. Below he gives more details on his claim. How to Plant Chestnut Trees for Deer By Josh Honeycutt author of Brow Tines and Backstrap August 10, 2018. For trees that will be used for nut production, space trees 18 x 18 feet apart. How Trees Grow Trees Do Not Grow at a Constant Rate Foresters use words in their discussions about tree growth that may mislead investors. You could put a pawpaw tree underneath every chestnut tree. Foresters often talk about a growth rate using phrases like “40 cubic meters per hectare per year”, or “5 tons per acre per year”. (prices of hass fruit range between ksh 8-20 in local market depending on size. But, if you have the room, a pecan tree is well worth having, and a welcome legacy for those who come behind you. This video of Tom goes into details about Establishment and maintenance. I have been telling people for years that one reasonably fit adult should be able to manage 10 acres of chestnuts by his or herself (labor for harvesting being the limiting factor). In Florida, Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, a major source of planting stock for the hybrid Dunstan chestnut, reports that Dunstans can produce 2,000–4,000 pounds of nuts per acre per year at maturity. This 42-acre farm will hopefully be a model for many … If cashew production is to be your sole source of income, you will need to plant at least 200 ha of trees and be prepared to employ permanent staff. 10 acres of chestnuts, well managed on a good site, should be able to produce 3,500 to 4,000 lbs per acre of nuts, for a total of 35,000 to 40,000 lbs on the 10 acres. Recent studies have shown even modern deer that have never encountered them in the wild prefer chestnuts over acorns 100:1. How long until NY has a million dollar chestnut economy? The blight that began with the introduction of an Asian chestnut species in 1905 ravaged the population of some 4 billion trees in the Eastern United States. The standard thinking is that you can get a cord of wood per acre per year. If for each additional tree planted per acre the average yield per tree drops 2 pounds, how many trees should be planted to maximize the yield per acre? A chestnut grower estimates from past records that if 20 trees are planted per acre, each tree will average 60 pounds of nuts per year. For instance, a stand of 6-inch DBH trees averaging 100 trees per acre does not contain the same volume of wood as 100 trees per acre of 16-inch DBH trees. That sounded really low to me, so I did some googling and found numbers more along the lines of 300-400 per acre. This gives you approximately 440 trees per acre. It covers hardiness zones, drainage needs, Ph requirements and more for chestnut trees. This figure comes from my own personal experience in growing and marketing chestnuts, plus yield data from the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry and from Kansas State University. has a 1 pound bag of dried chestnuts at $13.99 and 1 pound fresh at $9.99; on Amazon you can buy 5.25 pounds of organic chestnuts for $44.99, which works out to ~$8.5 per pound. acre to 1 acre, with larger openings preferred in older, taller stands. Seedlings, 1 to 2 feet tall, are considerably less, at about $3.50 each. Many orchards of European hybrid chestnut trees produce over 2000 lbs per acre. A tree typically takes 6 to 8 years to grow (1 foot per year), so you’re tying up the land for quite awhile. 850 - 1000 trees per acre (the stocking rate is actually 1000 trees per acre but majority of plantations nowadays have 15% of the site allocated for bio-diversity, this is generally made up of open space/access tracks/road or stream setbacks etc.....however some acres will have 1000 and others could have 600.....even with the 15% rule you'll find many sites are closer to a 900/acre average) Chestnuts can begin bearing in as little as two years from planting, and can reach 350 lbs per acre by year 5. should be attainable) at direct wholesale pricing of only $2.50 per pound (we currently sell for $3.50 per pound) amounts to $5000.00 per acre. I am working on a book (to be published by Chelsea Green Co.) that will explain this all in detail, but for now I will give the “short” answer. Yield is a function of variety, climate, environment and management factors. The chestnut was the primary mast crop food source for whitetails until all were wiped out nearly a century ago. aetherson on Feb 20, 2015. This will offer a head start to the restoration effort, as there will be American chestnut trees capable of receiving pollen from their transgenic counterparts … Fertilizing is being suggested because most soils have some deficiencies. A common formula for commercial groves in the southeastern United States is to plant pecan trees in a square grid with the trees each 30-40 feet apart. Chestnut trees can be grown on land too hilly or poor for other crops, and produce 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of nuts per acre. In contrast, the average corn crop yields 160 bushels per acre in New York and at a current price of under $4.00 per bushel equals only $640 per acre. There were once billions of them and their range stretched from Georgia and Alabama to Michigan, but the majestic tree was gone before forest science existed to document its role in the ecosystem. Perennial tree-based agriculture solves many of these problems right now and the Chestnut tree produces more food per acre every year than any other nut tree. At 20" diameter, crop trees (either planted or in the woods) should have 35' of space between them, leaving about 36 per acre… A Lesson In Crital Thinking. Dunstan Chestnuts can get large, as much as 60’ tall and 40’ wide. Practical Farmers of Iowa hosted a workshop on growing chestnuts commercially. Now, how many chestnut trees are in an acre? This is done to speed the accumulation of biomass per acre rather than produce large individual trees. They are not suitable for the small backyard. If trees within a row are 20 feet apart and the rows are 12 feet apart (12 X 20 or 20 X 12), trees are growing at a density of roughly 182 trees per acre (see Table 2). Yields range from 1,500 to 3,000 shelled pounds per acre per year. As I was driving I was thinking. Now, how many chestnut trees are in an acre? Return for an acre with 150 trees. In 1584, the governor of Genoa, which dominated Corsica, ordered all the farmers and landowners to plant four trees yearly, among which was a chestnut tree – plus olive, fig and mulberry trees. Over 50 years of crops, that means each tree will yield 1,000 pounds of chestnuts. Resilient. Some chestnut trees can live to more than a 100 years old. I’m planting a them on 5 farms throughout the Hudson Valley, and landowners keep emailing asking if I can plant on their land too. Information from the conference is available. Myth #2 - Chinese chestnut trees out produce European - casual research indicates the best producing Chinese chestnut tree orchards east of the Rocky Mountains produce about 1200 lbs per acre. How many fruit/nut trees would you plant if you had space for as many as you want? The closer these trees are planted to each other, the less pruning you will have to do. Convert the amount of trees per acre to trees per hectare. Many native broadleaf trees will grow in difficult areas with little or no fertiliser. 3.3K views This video is 1 hour and 20 minute long. What and Where to Prune After you get your tree into the shape you want, all you need to do is maintain it. Find out how many pecan trees per acre and how far apart to plant pecan trees in this blog. Pawpaws can wholesale for as high as $7 to $10 per pound. This would be for a “mature” level of production, but that can be reached in 12 to 15 years from the initial planting. Castanea sativa, the sweet chestnut, Spanish chestnut or just chestnut, is a species of tree in the family Fagaceae, native to Southern Europe and Asia Minor, and widely cultivated throughout the temperate world. Oak seedlings should be planted soon after openings are created, before competing vegetation gets established. Trees are planted in the fall in Michigan with an estimated cost of $61.20/acre based on tart cherry estimates. 2001). The 9th year rubber tree would give more rubber per kg, so the income would increase considerably every year.1 acre of rubber estate would have 150 to 200 rubber trees approximately. go to Chestnut recipes. On the ground, in the more exposed areas, you could grow perennial vegetables such as asparagus, rhubarb, and horse radish. At 20" diameter, crop trees (either planted or in the woods) should have 35' of space between them, leaving about 36 per acre, plus under-growth shrubs and saplings. One to five acres is a manageable size that one or two people could care for by hand and net a few thousand dollars. Again I’ll be conservative and say that this tree will produce 50 years of crops. 820 trees per acre. Like row crops and small grains, chestnut trees have their share of pests. Working in the poplar lab, I learned that you could get three or four times that much (by weight) with selected trees in row crop style plantations, on 5 to 10 year rotations. If you don’t like reading, enjoy the video: Tom Wahl spoke on site selection and care of chestnut trees at the Chestnut conference in Letts, Iowa on February 11, 2017. Plan on fertilizing the chestnut trees in the first year. Credit: Paul Sterry / WTML. The wholesale cost for 50 grafted chestnut trees is $848, or $16.95 per tree. And it’s not at all hard to imagine selling local organic chestnuts around the holidays for $15.00 per pound. If you ask me, not long. So I did the math. While the chances of an American chestnut variety becoming a timber tree again is likely decades away, Stehli said, there is money to be made in chestnuts. The best university info on agroforestry comes from U of Missouri Center for Agroforestry, including a 12 page summary on chestnut growing. Small conventionally produced nuts can go for $5 per pound at retail, while fresh local organic chestnuts can sell for upwards of $16.50 per pound. Researchers have developed several blight-resistant chestnut varieties that combine the best qualities of American and Chinese chestnut trees that can be grown in most areas of the U.S. Similarly, timber stands can have the same basal area yet look very different on the ground. With 200 trees per acre ready for harvesting each year, a u-cut tree farm could theoretically bring in $9,200 per acre annually. Tom Wahl, Want recipes for chestnuts? Knowing the number of trees per acre is important in a number of circumstances including the application of pesticides, the determination of the number of available trees for harvest and just to keep track of the trees on the property. Many communities owe their origin and former richness to the ensuing chestnut woods. That is just for chestnuts. This one chestnut tree will generate $10,000 of revenue. They videoed the conference. The United States imported 3,200 metric tons of chestnuts in 2017. The wholesale cost for 50 grafted chestnut trees is $848, or $16.95 per tree. I am sorry that I can’t point you to university research documenting all of these figures, but there just aren’t any universities doing this. Empress trees mature several times faster than your average oak or pine and absorb about 103 tons of carbon a year per acre. Pawpaws are natural understory trees and can produce 50% to 75% of a full crop even in fairly heavy shade. A mature forest has 100 trees per acre. Easier to maintain. Actually marking off an acre and counting the trees is one option. Chestnuts bear on the outer growth each year, and so maximizing sunlight around the tree increases overall production. The full answer would be long and complicated. Because it takes time for a fungal spore to find each tree, many of these mother trees will survive long enough to produce viable flowers. Depending on how they are marketed, prices range from $1.50 to $6.00 per lb. They're doing 40 per square meter! ) became extinct - nearly. A half a century ago, they knew the value of planting high value trees for the future. We recommend a 30’x30’ (54 trees per acre) or 40’x40’ (25 trees per acre) spacing for planting. Now, the price of chestnuts varies greatly. The diameter of trees at DBH determines how many trees per acre it takes to make a given basal area. With the spacing I use in my plantings on various landowners’ properties, I start with ~50 trees per … Credit: Jill Jennings / WTML. For example, a White Oak Tree Plantation averaging 200 one hundred foot by 36 inch diameter trees per acre would be worth $2,541,600 at today's prices. Local plants are adapted to local soils and climate and often have lower maintenance requirements. Low to me maintain this spacing until the trees reach 8 '' diameter. The trees is one option that have never encountered them in the openings should be cut the holidays for 15.00... Each tree will generate $ 10,000 of revenue crops we grow chestnuts on more 80! To my newsletter and I ’ ll be conservative here. I use in my agroforestry system chestnuts! After openings are created, before competing vegetation gets established the pH how many chestnut trees per acre on fertilizing the blight. Pretty good to me, so I ’ ll be conservative and say that tree. Are adapted to local soils and climate and often have lower maintenance requirements last.! This is certainly kickstarting tree growth, but I ’ ll be conservative here. 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