If you’re thinking about working from home more frequently, or if you’re considering letting some of your team members work from home, you can’t simply assume that working from home increases productivity (even if all the working from home productivity statistics seem to suggest it). You can suit up for your job or just wear pajamas — there’s nobody to stop you. If your team is fully remote, your business can likely fill roles 33 percent faster than your competitors. A study by Stanford, which followed the performance of 16,000 employees for 7 months, found a 13 percent increase in productivity from the people working at home. 77% of telecommuters report being more productive 37% of remote workers say the best way to boost productivity is to take regular breaks 30% of telecommuters save upward of $5,000 a year $11,000 is how much companies can save annually for each employee that works remotely half-time In a study carried out by Owl Labs in 2019, they interviewed 1,202 workers. 77 percent of people working from home report higher productivity. admitted having lower levels of stress while working from home. Remote work isn't the future of work — it's the present.. Our new survey data revealed that remote work is a major benefit for employees. 13. Maybe it’s the comfort of your home environment, maybe it’s not dealing with traffic, or maybe it’s not having to wear pants. According to Gallups State of the American Workplace report, 43% of Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely last year, up from 39% in 2012. This same report found that jobs that allow working from home grew 10 times faster than the rest of the workforce. Happy and satisfied employees are, as you might suspect, more productive (not to mention less likely to leave). Let’s take a look at more working from home statistics related to productivity. Remote employee monitoring software works with employers to show whether the employees are working or not. Per the 2018 American Community Service data, 6 percent of the U.S. workforce worked at home a minimum of half the workweek. March 30, 2020 The productivity pitfalls of working from home in the age of COVID-19. “Working from home is a future-looking technology,” Bloom told an audience during TEDxStanford, which took place in April. Working from home is quite a money saver for the employee and employer. Ctrip is a travel website, and this study mostly focused on sales. Nicholas Bloom is widely known for his research showing the benefits of working from home. does working from home increase productivity? Everyone likes to claim they’re busy with productive work all the time, but if you’ve ever worked in an office, you know this isn’t the case. To achieve maximum productivity, 86 percent of employees prefer to work by themselves, according to a study by Ask.com. According to a study by the Penny Hoarder, telecommuters who make less than $100,000 a year tend to make $4,000 per year more than their non-telecommuting counterparts. A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that more companies were planning on introducing work at home opportunities over any other benefit. Working from the comfort of your own home seems like a dream come true, but something that was once a benefit has now become an expectation.Simply put, it's the new normal. The main reason cited was that it takes longer to get answers and information from co-workers. Preventative Maintenance Checklist – A Simple Guide, Your Guide to Choosing the Best Employee Monitoring App, A Guide to Employee Monitoring Using Software To Boost Productivity, Monitoring Your Employees While Respecting Their Privacy. The number of people working from home is constantly increasing, which is a sign that businesses have more faith that their employees will be productive under these conditions. As numerous remote work isolation statistics tell us, working alone can have a negative impact on both productivity and the overall health of the worker. It … The supporters of remote work claim that it provides unparalleled benefits of an open environment, flexibility, and higher satisfaction. (SHRM) In addition, 3 out of 4 surveyees revealed that their work-life balance had improved since they started working remotely. Email Productivity Benchmark Report (December 2020), 51 Working From Home Tips Scientifically Proven to Boost Your Productivity, 15 Working From Home Productivity Statistics, 7 Ways to Monitor Employees Working from Home, Email Response Time: What’s Acceptable, and How to Find Yours. (Source) Working from home productivity statistics show that nearly two-thirds of people believe this working arrangement suits them better. Increased productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction are the clear benefits of working from home according to these working from home productivity statistics, but they aren’t the only benefits an organization can enjoy by adopting a work from home policy. Work from home vs. in-office productivity: Who wins? 65% of people think they’re more productive while working from home. While most people quit their work due to job dissatisfaction, home-based working people consider remote work as a massive benefit and forget about unsatisfactory elements. Still, a more-than-three-quarters majority of people say they feel more productive, which corroborates the other evidence we see. Regardless, results from numerous studies looking into employees who work from home don’t lie. What is your work-from-home forecast for after Covid-19? As numerous remote work isolation statistics tell us, working alone can have a negative impact on both productivity and the overall health of the worker. Underlying the practice of shifting employees to work from home, as the COVID-19 crisis forced, is the definite recognition of the need to measure and manage employees’ productivity. You don’t have to deal with traffic or wear formal clothes either if you can work from home. Remote work leads to 50 percent lower attrition. Working alone also saves you from interruptions and distractions from other people, which helps to boost your performance anyway. Employee productivity is the predominant attribute of successful organizations. Working from home can increase your performance by 13 percent. But one pioneering study that has new relevance found that working from home one day a week boosted output by 13%. Hit the. 12. All rights reserved. To help answer the question of how many employees will work-at-home after the Covid-19 crisis, we have launched a Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey in partnership with Dr. Anita Kamouri, co-founder of Iometrics and several global associations. Be less stressed and get more done. Approximately 45 percent of people in Great Britain thought that working from home had no impact on work standards, with seven percent advising that it led to a much higher standard of work. Another reason is that remote working people push themselves for better performance and it results in more raises and bonuses for them. During the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, more and more employees are being forced to work from home. The same report indicated that most people find loud colleagues to be their biggest distraction at work. 52% of employees around the world report working from home at least once per week, with 21% working from home more than once per week, 18% always working from home, and 13% one day per week. But what do work from home productivity statistics say about whether it’s a good idea? The nature of work is changing, and so is the behavior and characteristics of modern employees. But there have been concerns from some that productivity … 8. Here are some other notable statistics on productivity levels as related to remote working: 83% of employees feel they don’t need an office to be productive, according to Workforce Futures. Remote jobs have grown more than ten times in a decade, 7. Remote work leads to 50 percent lower attrition. Freelancers spend 36 hours a week productively. 61% of the workforce is working from home, 53% of whom started doing so since the onset of COVID-19 44% of remote workers are using more video conferencing 27% of … Its workforce could theoretically work remotely one-third of the time without a loss of productivity, or almost half the time but with diminished productivity. These are the variables that control your stress and working from home can eliminate them all. Remote employee monitoring software makes team management easy, Remote employee monitoring software works with employers to show whether the employees are working or not. But what does history say about remote working? Right now, about 4.3 million employees (or 3.2 percent of the workforce) work from home at least half the time, and that number will likely increase in the coming years. Americans who telecommute for work are doing so for increased amounts of time. button and let us show you how this software will help in this process. The initial research on working from home done prior to the Pandemic found that productivity increased. What does this have to do with working from home? On the opposite side, antagonists say that working from home leads employees to waste time due to lack of discipline and the absence of micromanagement. When you work from home, email is often going to be your primary communication channel, taking priority over in-person conversations and meetings. 65% of workers said they would be more productive in a home office than in a traditional office space. The comfort of the home environment helps to lower working stress by a lot. Check out these studies that prove employees can be as productive at home as they can in the office: Study: Ctrip allowed employees to work from home for 9 months. Working from home leads to a 13 percent performance increase. These working from home productivity statistics offer valuable insight for anyone looking to weigh the costs and benefits of this non-traditional work environment that has become the norm. They were also found to be working more minutes and doing more work every minute. Of those bosses who have increased home-working through the pandemic, almost one-quarter told the Office for National Statistics that productivity has … Your email address will not be published. This is probably the most important statistic on this list, because it’s the biggest study done (to date) on working from home and productivity, and it generated such eye-opening results. So, instead of working from home, you could opt for a casual coworking space that offers all the best aspects of office work but eliminates the in-office tension that may exist in a company. People have shared their opinions too, saying that the home environment helps home-based working people to perform better. Most of the people who work at home tend to work alone, meaning they want to capitalize on high productivity. For 32%, productivity levels are the same at the office or at home, while 3% of the people surveyed said they felt less productive working from home. Other advanced economies are not far behind; their workforces could dedicate 28 to 30 percent of the time to working remotely without losing productivity. It’s no surprise, then, that as remote or home working has increased, so too has the need for co-working spaces where members can collaborate and network with like-minded people. 6. Here are some other notable statistics on productivity levels as related to remote working: 83% of employees feel they don’t need an office to be productive, according to Workforce Futures. Underlying the practice of shifting employees to work from home, as the COVID-19 crisis forced, is the definite recognition of the need to measure and manage employees’ productivity. A report from research firm Valoir found that the abrupt move to working from home as a … It’s also muddied by the fact that people are reporting their own productivity; as you can imagine, people are inclined to overestimate their own productivity increase when working from home. 22% of telecommuters say that “switching off” after work is their biggest challenge. 14. Try our 14-day Free Trial to see how it works. 6. Your email address will not be published. According to our data, knowledge workers, software developers, and IT professionals are all more productive when they work from home.This was true both at small and medium businesses and … 25% of respondents say working from home has had a negative impact on their productivity. Some individuals have had a harder time than others working from home, but many companies say productivity has remained at pre-pandemic levels, or even gone up. Stress is a major factor to your bottom-line productivity, and 82 percent of remote workers report lower levels of stress when working from home. Rather than speaking in person, talking over the phone, or texting, 72 percent of people prefer to email when communicating. Although the survey was done based on the attendees’ claims, more than three-quarters of them felt they were more productive at home and that supports the data we found in the other survey. Employers can find proactive and self-proven employees with this software. As a result, organizations are under constant pressure to transform their workplaces and … OWL Labs found that employees working from home at least once per month are 24 percent more likely to feel happy at work. Companies with fully remote workforces hire 33 percent faster. But the question that always burns in the minds of the employers is whether working at home increases employees’ productivity or not. Not yet able to work from home, but wish you could? People have shared their opinions too, saying that the home environment helps home-based working people to perform better. It’s a good idea to work from home to deal with less stress. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), only 5% of the UK’s labour force worked mainly from home in 2019. 25. But 78% of business leaders think hybrid and home-working will have a negative impact on productivity. What do the statistics explain about its productivity? Is Biometric Technology An Unnecessary Intrusion Or A Promising Marketing Tool? These are the variables that control your stress and working from home can eliminate them all. What is HIPAA Compliance, why it Matters and how to Obtain it? Working from the comfort of your own home seems like a dream come true, but something that was once a benefit has now become an expectation.Simply put, it's the new normal. (Exhibit 3). 82 percent of remote workers admitted having lower levels of stress while working from home. More than three-quarters of people like to work alone. Encourage employees to maintain the same schedule they did when they went into the office. 77 percent of remote employees claimed they had higher productivity and efficiency. If you are interested in increasing your productivity, or the productivity of your employees, then you’ll need to use these statistics and analyze your efforts. According to a Gallup survey, the number of workers who work one day or less from home shrank from 34% to 25% between 2012 and 2016. Turnover is 25 percent lower in companies with remote positions. The BLS reports that 23 percent of United States workers now do at least some work from home on a regular basis. Jayson is a long-time columnist for Forbes, Entrepreneur, BusinessInsider, Inc.com, and various other major media publications, where he has authored over 1,000 articles since 2012, covering technology, marketing, and entrepreneurship. It could be that employers are starting to realize how much more productive employees are when they work from home, and as a result, they’re adding more remote working positions to their workforce. If you’ve ever worked in a physical office, you know very well how noisy the environment can be during working hours. 2. 6. Working from home is still a somewhat new concept for many employers, so data on remote work is still quite limited. Instead, this data should draw attention to specific actions companies can take to help their workforce perform effectively in any environment. The report also found that remote work opportunities have grown 10 times more than other workforces. The initial research on working from home done prior to the Pandemic found that productivity increased. Whatever way you try to explain it, it’s clear that working from home has some financial benefits, which influence people to do it. Work from home productivity tools: Working from home is not easy. M2YSYS Blog holds all the rights to add, remove, modify content in this blog. industries: For example, the correlation with feasibility of home work across occupations is 0.56, and across industries it is 0.23. And those who do work remotely say they're … Working from home: Average productivity loss of remote work is 1%. As working remotely removes the hassle of handling road traffic and the dull office environment and provides the chance of rolling out of bed and starting work immediately, remote employees will barely need to cut off work hours in the first place. For some, it’s been a nightmare. The Gig Economy Is Exploding with Copywriters, Graphic Designers, and Other Freelancers . Nicholas Bloom is widely known for his research showing the benefits of working from home. However, men are over twice as likely to work either in the same grounds or buildings as their home or with home as a base (Figure 7). Having said that, we are going to discuss the top ten working from home statistics, which will show the significance of this concept. The survey also shows that remote employees taking time off from work are 52% less likely to happen. Whatever the root of the effect is, it’s a powerful one, and one that’s hard to refute. 77 percent of people working from home report higher productivity. The same survey showed that remote workers are 52 percent less likely to take time off work. 1. The comfort of the home environment helps to lower working stress by a lot. Create a policy for measuring work-from-home and remote employee productivity. Working from home doesn’t necessarily mean working by yourself; people can cluster together and work in small groups. If you use the right email productivity tools, you can easily become an email master. Employers can find proactive and self-proven employees with this software. This difference suggests that while occupational job characteristics pro-vide quite accurate information about the impact of working from home on productivity, the industry If you work in an HR department, this obviously has a massive effect on your bottom-line results, but any department can enjoy the benefits. The pandemic of COVID-19 has forced many people to start working from home. For some, working from home is distracting and draining. 10. During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic period on average, 39% fewer people were at their workplaces. They were also found to be working more minutes and doing more work every minute. 1. Ctrip is a travel website, and this study mostly focused on sales. Ask.com has found that 86 percent of employees prefer to work by themselves. 9. 65% of workers said they would be more productive in a home office than in a traditional office space. Working from home: Average productivity loss of remote work is 1%. (Dynamic Signal, EmailAnalytics) 24. Whatever way you try to explain it, it’s clear that working from home has some financial benefits, which influence people to do it. Blog Series – The Top 15 Reasons To Use Biometric Technology In Workforce Management And Retail Point Of Sale, How to Ensure Productivity During COVID-19 Pandemic. You don’t have to deal with traffic or wear formal clothes either if you can work from home. Required fields are marked *, 27 Ways to Boost Collaboration Among Employees, How to Focus at Work: 17 Tips That Really Work, Productivity Journaling: The Ultimate Guide, Working From Home Productivity Statistics. Here's how to optimize all three, as many people telecommute amid the COVID-19 pandemic. After analyzing mobility trends of places of work Google has found that on … that keeps an eye on employee activity and helps to boost productivity. 7. The same study found that working remotely leads to sharply reduced employee attrition, due to higher work satisfaction. Employers lose $1.8 trillion a year due to lack of employee engagement. – Remote Work Increases Job Satisfaction Working from home risks damaging the nation's productivity, with bosses frequently finding staff are less useful when logging in from the kitchen table compared with coming into the office. For some, working from home is distracting and draining. While working from home may seem an attractive proposition, drawbacks have been identified that could impact wellbeing and eventually, productivity. Of that, 9% were working more minutes, and 4% were from handling more calls per minute. They were also found to be working more minutes and doing more work every minute. ... 25. There are some obvious benefits to working from home. Some people repeatedly interrupt your work with on and off-topic discussions. A Stanford study found that when call center employees worked from home, their performance increased by 13% . 4. Let’s get started. This is due to a combination of factors; disengaged employees are less productive, they take more unnecessary days off, they’re more likely to quit, and they’re more likely to take malicious action against the company. 86 percent of people prefer to work alone. This is likely due to the fact that working never seems as bad when you can roll out of bed and get to the job, rather than facing the doldrums of traffic and sterile office environments. Either way, working from home has some clear monetary benefits for those who do it. 26. 3. Work from home and deal with less stress. Copyright © 2021 M2SYS Blog On Biometric Technology. 23 percent of employees now do at least some work from home. 4. That’s up from 12,100 … So where does the truth lie? CloudDesk is here to help you with work-from-home management and to understand what sort of tactics have to be taken to deal with the challenges. In the same time period, the number of people working remotely four or five days a week rose from 24% to 31%. On average, those who work from home spend 10 minutes less a day being unproductive, work one more day a week, and are 47% more productive. 11 Interesting Work From Home Statistics 1. 2. But one pioneering study that has new relevance found that working from home one day a week boosted output by 13%. A 2-Year Stanford Study Shows the Astonishing Productivity Boost of Working From Home The jury was out on the productivity effect of working from home. Findings from this second survey should help dispel concerns among the skeptics that work-from-home (WFH) is less effective. This is the biggest study ever done on home-working and its productivity, and it generated an eye-opening result for everyone. While most people quit their work due to job dissatisfaction, home-based working people consider remote work as a massive benefit and forget about unsatisfactory elements. Half were allowed to work remote, half stayed in the office. 4. Employers expect to move about 44% of workers to work from home during the pandemic, according to the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report 2020. Remote work is somewhat new for most employers, and it’s the reason why there are so many controversies. Fine for self-starters and responsible folks; not so great for junior and/or unproven teammates. When people quit a job, it’s usually due to some level of dissatisfaction. 1. Keywords: Worker Productivity, Working From Home, COVID-19, Sectors, Inequality, Gen-der, Mental Well-Being JEL classifications: D24, I14, I30, J22, J24 This paper draws on data from Understanding Society, distributed by the UK Data Service. Eliminate them all to Obtain it happy and satisfied employees are working from home of. Year due to higher work satisfaction remote workers say that they struggle with loneliness working! People make a lot month are 24 percent more productive in a study by Ask.com Gig Economy is Exploding Copywriters! Stay longer in jobs and this study mostly focused on sales to see what say... Whatever the root of the home environment helps home-based working people to start working from is. Home increases employees ’ productivity or not your job or just wear pajamas — ’! Choice ) the average breadwinner is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes working by yourself people... 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