It’s not entirely clear when soap was invented but some of the earliest we know of was made of olive oil and laurel oil. Can we replace the olive oil with some other oil? You can literally make this recipe with just three ingredients if you choose — water, lye, and olive oil. Even hot process soap needs curing, although it’s just 2-3 weeks opposed to 4-6 with cold process. I’ll look at getting oil that’s known good for soap making. I forgot to add the salt but that’s cool! Get to know the organic castile goat milk soap made with just olive oil and goat milk here at Goat Milk Stuff. Hi Tanya! Natural free radical protection. A sieve is like fine mesh, not a colander if that’s what you used? Hope this helps . Stay safe But rest assured, they all make great soap. The resulting soap was not pretty as I had to scoop it up and force it into a tray, but its performance was the best ever. It says ‘for soap, 1 kilo crystals to 3 kilos fat’. Pour the lye solution through a fine-mesh strainer and into the olive oil in the pan. I love it. This is an award that covers ALL of their 13 skincare categories, not just soaps! Just be aware that after adding it the soap batter will immediately become more fluid. Early soap-makers in England did not have easy access to laurel oil and therefore dropped it from their formulations, thereby creating an olive-oil soap now known as Castile soap. I had a nice light trace.. 2. Hi Tanya, I managed to get the mixture to achieve trace just fine, poured it in a mold, and then was covering it with plastic wrap when it suddenly started bubbling and foaming. That’s a higher ratio of lye to fat than I’m using. FREE SHIPPING OVER $49 … Popped it out of the silicone molds the next day and as I am sure many first timers have done , used it in the shower that day. On its own, olive oil can make a good hard bar that’s sensitive, nourishing, and doesn’t over-dry your skin. Once made, your castile soap will have a shelf-life of up to two years. Soaping at room temperature gives you the color of bars that you’ll see in this recipe’s photos but it will slow down your Trace time. I scented it with lemon and sage essential oils. will my soap be safe to use . The only thing is, I’m conflicted as everyone is telling me to let it cure for 6 months minimum before using it! Coconut creates hard bars with fluffy lather, Sunflower oil creates softer, conditioning bars and castor oil helps to stabilize lather. I already made my first soap with honey last year and we are down to the last piece and now i want to make more. Technically, they are right. Trace is when the soap begins thickening up to a warm and thin custard-like consistency. That said, most people make Castile soap with predominantly olive oil but add other oils in to help balance out the bar. useOilWeight * oil.amount/100 : oil.amount) | formatNumber } ${ unit.alias } ${ } Additives + Additional Ingredients ${ ingredient.amount | formatNumber } ${ ingredient.unit } ${ } Recipe Instructions. Thanks Large cracks have developed whilst setting in the mould and after 4 days the soap seems crumbly. Also, you saw the bits before you started stick blending it? Thank you. You can use the online SoapCalc to help adjust a recipe though. A genuine Castile soap, you have to use as a fat, 100% olive oilfor its elaboration. This recipe as just a little palm oil added to give the bar hardness and stable lather and a little coconut oil to give it some bubbly lather. 4. For more experienced soap makers: you can make this recipe at just above room temperature if you choose. That’s because it takes longer for it to come to ‘Trace’, longer for it to harden in the mold, and longer for it to cure. Don’t want my soap to be too lye heavy or have other issues. Pure castile soap recipe: 64 oz of Olive oil; 23.4 oz water; 8.7 oz lye crystals; for a total of 96.1 oz of soap base; But if you still want a less-tempermental bar with bubbles, go with my #1 recipe with Olive and Coconut oils: 51.2 oz of Olive oil; 12.8 oz of coconut oil … I prefer working at a very light trace since it settles nicely into molds. Basic Recipes and Formulating Your Own P.s. Any lye container that includes that information does not sound legit. Thank you for the recipe and greetings from Bulgaria! It is known as Castile Soap, because the crown of Castile was the main producer and exported soap to other countries in Europe and America. With the puff, it is unbelievably sudsy. It’s so informative. This recipie was my first ever attempt at soap making. Thanks again I can’t wait for four weeks to pass so I can try the soaps. I am actually in Bulgaria and I’ve tried to translate what’s on the caustic soda container to see if it’s mixed with something else. Can’t wait to finally try it! what is your experience? Turn it off and stir the soap batter, using the blender as a spoon. Use these ratios: To make about 4.5 pounds of soap, you would use: This recipe has a little more palm oil and coconut oil. My first batch came out great thanks to you. As for which olive oil to use, most soap makers buy large bottles of “refined,” “grade A” or “pure” olive oil at the large discount stores. In any case most soap makers do not make their soap, mill it, then add essential oils back in. It mainly happens when the soap overheats. Coconut oil is commonly added to help produce better suds, and palm oil helps the soap bars firm up. This recipe … I have wanted to try to make soap for some time and finally took the plunge. I’ll check the PH of the soap as well but if it’s just a looks thing, then I’ll make use of it instead of giving it away. Thank you for your reply. Bev. The lather of a 9-month-old Castile soap is much nicer than when it is just a few weeks old. Hi Tanya. CHECK OUT OUR OPTIONS ON MANY PRODUCTS TO CUSTOMIZE & CREATE YOUR CHOICE BLENDS . Check the label and if it is fragrance oil make sure that it’s skin safe. It's available as a powder or in liquid form and if you're using the liquid form, you'll need one teaspoon of it. I classify this as a soft/hard oil because it makes a very soft bar of soap initially upon unmolding but cures into a rock hard bar. I stirred and stirred it because the lye is in big crystals. He currently owns Bath Rabbit Soap Company and is the author of "The Complete Photo Guide to Soap Making. 2. 1. Can you give your opinion on this? Hence, the invention of pure olive oil soap. Interesting yoghurt tip Jessie — thanks for sharing . This soap has a 5% superfat. Traditionally, castile soap was made of olive oil. can this soap be used on skin AND hair? Our pure and mild fragrance free castile soaps are handmade in the old world tradition and they contain saponified certified organic extra virgin olive oil and distilled water and nothing else! One hundred percent olive oil soap, or “ Castile ” soap has been made for centuries – and today, soap makers of all types usually include at least some olive oil in their recipes. 4.5. from. True Castile soap is made with 100 percent olive oil, but many soap makers use a blend of oils to create a soap with balanced properties. This soap takes a long time to cure—rather than three or four weeks, many people let their Castile soap cure six to nine months or more before they use it. I will try a different recipe soon. Multiple use soap for bathing, shampooing hair, laundering fine washables, washing fruits and vegetables, and all purpose cleaning. Your email address will not be published. They will all be slightly different, as the ratio of oils is slightly different. However, if you’ve made cold-process soap before you might be a little alarmed by the time that some of the steps taken. I followed carefully your instructions and my first soap is already done, it looks perfect! It’s even white colour. Depending on the oil you use, you may find that your soap cures to a bright white color. Thanks to the water discount we used in making the lye solution, your cure time is only four weeks. And while you certainly can make soap from 100 percent olive oil, you may not like the lather it makes. It is gorgeous precious and very mild for skin. All recipes on this page will be finished by following ​basic soap making instructions. The superfat is 5%. thanks. Repeat until the mixture thickens up to 'Trace'. Technically you can use any oil to make soap but each one has a different soap making property. All went great, after 4 days I unmoulded but now 3 days on from that the soaps (they are little ones) have started cracking, is there any reason from my additions that could have done this? The top navigation for example. It reminded of making honeycomb. Space the bars out on wax paper / grease-proof paper someplace airy, dim, and room-temperature. I would like to be sure about the recipe If you’re new to making natural handmade soap, you should read my four-part series on natural soap making. This site uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. You didn’t reach Trace. Castile soap is made with 100% olive oil. My advice: try making the batch again and see how it goes . I have a couple of white bits left in each bar of Castile Soap after two weeks – please can you help? Yes… I bought lavender essential oil. I am about to try it. Soaps high (50%+) in olive oil need longer to cure and unmold. We’ll be using less water than in typical soap making recipes and the optional ingredient Sodium lactate helps to harden bars. Clays can also cause cracking but shouldn’t be the issue in this case. If you use sodium lactate or salt to the lye solution, it’s best to dissolve either in the water BEFORE you add the lye, otherwise neither will dissolve properly. Prepare your workstation with your tools and equipment, and have your mold at the ready. Is this a hot method soap Tanya? I've placed a video at the bottom of this piece to show you the technique I use for using the stick blender. If you want to make natural soap, only use essential oils. Warm the olive oil in its pan on low until it reaches about 100°F / 38°C. Make your lye solution in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors, by an open window, or under a kitchen extractor that ventilates to the outdoors. Thanks for the recipe! Traditionally, Castile soap is made with 100% Olive Oil. Can this recipe be used in crock pot hot process to speed up curing? In fact, mentions of Castile soap … The soap bars feel really smooth and lovely. You’ll probably need to begin all over again and only pour the soap into the mould after it thickens up. If you're a beginner, aim for somewhere in the middle. I just made a batch using the lavender oil you link to in your post. Leaving soap uncovered means that the soap will not go through Gel state. Thank you for getting back to me! Keep in mind that the natural color of this soap is a light yellow and that can impact the final color of your bars. Kind Regards Ordinary table salt can help with this too but Sodium lactate is far more dependable. I let mine cure for at least four months. It’s somewhat controversial over how much olive oil needs to be in the soap to be called ‘castile’ but typically this amount is 80% or higher. I followed this recipe but omitted the salt and the lavender ( i also forgot to strain my lye) but it came out beautifully! Hi Tanya, I gather they will still be usable after curing, just not as pretty! Try making the recipe again, double-checking amounts, that the ingredients are correct (double-check your lye), and that the temps are all good. I was taught that additives (essential oils, coloring, etc.) Thank you for that lovely recipe. I have just finished a batch of your lemongrass soap. A simple soap like this one would be good for gently cleansing sensitive skin. Although listed as 'optional', sodium lactate is useful in hardening all soap recipes, especially softer soap like this castile soap recipe. Bev, I’d recommend that you re-batch it. Street markets in the Aegean Regionand southern Marmara Region is full of olive oil soap, almost all of which are handmade. In this castile soap recipe, using a water discount will be helpful on all counts. There are a lot of steps in soapmaking and it’s easy to miss things when making soap as a beginner. Each recipe is generously formulated to be rich, nourishing and long-lasting. Thanks a lot. You want it to cool to 100°F / 38°C and can begin warming the olive oil as it cools. Hello! Also very sudsy as a shampoo bar. No other soap feels quite as gentle as a bar made out of extra virgin olive oil. Too much coconut oil and your bars might be drying, too much castor oil and they might be sticky. Would I need to make any other adjustments? So I abandoned it because I don’t want to waste a pint of good olive oil. 442 olive oil castile soap products are offered for sale by suppliers on, of which toilet soap accounts for 1%, liquid soap dispensers accounts for 1%. I’m new to this, but am adjusting the recipe to make it a 40% lye solution. I know to some…castile is a soap made with “mostly” olive oil and can contain other vegetable oils. Biome True Castile Soap Bar 100% Olive Oil Unscented 110g. If it’s someplace that’s too warm (near a radiator, sunny window, etc) then this can overheat your soap. I have kept the volcano soap, is there anything I can do with it or when mixing the lye i found i still had little bits at the bottom . If you're using the powder form, use only half a teaspoon and dilute it in one Tablespoon of the water amount you've measured for the lye. Check the oil bottle that you're using though -- the best-by date on the olive oil bottle is the best-by date of your soap. Thank you very much in advance. Castile soap is made exclusively with vegetable oils. Any ideas? Customers also viewed these products. Some are only made for candles and can cause skin irritation. Thank you for the recipe!! I’m looking to make 100% olive oil soap without lye water. Thank you so much for this recipe! Castile soap is a vegetable soap that is derived from olive oil, water and lye. Kind regards Keep your face away from the steam that comes up and be prepared for the water to get very hot. Hope you can help. Called Aleppo soap, these bars were introduced (or re-introduced) to Europe after the Crusades. Thank you very much for all you do and for taking the time to post all these for other people to learn and improve their skills and knowledge. I too made this recipe as my first ever batch of soap a couple of weeks ago. The recipe is simple. You’re so welcome Kimberly Happy soaping! As you say, it’s very hard to replicate but can be a little scary when it does happen. BE YOUR OWN ALCHEMIST! thank you very much There's detailed information on. If those bits were undissolved lye then there’s a possibility of lye pockets forming in your bars. Keep an eye on the temperatures in your next batch and also where you leave your soap to harden up. While traditional castile soap only uses olive oil, you can use additional vegetable oils in place of some of the olive oil as well. Thank you for your reply. If you’d like to be more artistic with these bars I’ve collected dozens of different ideas for you in my piece How to Naturally Color Handmade Soap. What is Castile Soap? Catherine, you need lye to create soap — without it, all you have is a pan of olive oil . Castile soap gets its name from the region in Spain where it was first created, and it’s one of the oldest soaps known to mankind. . . … The lather of pure olive oil soap is very creamy but also very sensitive. If that happens again, sieve the oil and lye mixture again to get them out. Cracks sometimes happen because of soaping at high temperatures or incorrect amounts of lye. You state “When your soap is at Trace, stir in the essential oil if you’re using it and then pour the soap into moulds.”. Thanks! Just be careful that you don’t use too much sodium lactate or it can cause your soap to go crumbly. Thank you x. Thanks! Is this possible? The outside of the jug did feel warm, but still no other reactions. Use these ratios: In this recipe, canola oil is added to give it some creaminess and mildness. In soap does a few things, including help stop soda ash from forming and speeding up the time it takes your soap to ‘Trace’. Can I just multiply the measurements by 2 or 3?Is that ok to do? Buying this product = 7 Reward points for Members. It gets its name from the Castile region of Spain. Perfectly fine to make a double or triple batch , I see you have written that there are two oils which can be used in cold process soap making, without having to add other oils, olive oil and tallow. Get DIY project ideas and easy-to-follow crafts to help you spruce up your space. There are several places on my website that you can sign up to receive the newsletter. I have checked many recipes online but you explain very well why to make water discount for castile soap and why to add salt and the result is excellent. every recipe i have read say to wrap in towel to keep warm . It’s really very hard to know but I suspect you used the incorrect amount of ingredients. To me castile means a soap made out of olive oil only (+lye and water). No steam or fumes. Here’s full instructions how: I couldn’t dissolve the crystals, however much I stirred. It is a gentle soap that is biodegradable, non-toxic and it is great for cleaning dishes, toilets, sinks, fruits, vegetables, skin and even hair. i also notice you state leave soap uncovered . In the latter case, you can test the pH to find out if it is lye-heavy. If your receipe calls for powdered sodium lactate, would you know how much it means when already disolved in liquid? Using less water than what’s typical, is called using a water discount. It will be clearly stated on the bottle. Most of it is actually Bastile, olive oil mixed with other oils to improve lather, but almost all of it is colored and scented. Sorry to hear of your issues. It makes a nice hard bar of soap, is mild, and in combination with other oils, makes a nice dense lather. In any case, you always learn so much from the mistakes. Volcanoing soap is rare but it does happen on occasion. Technical information: 1lb / 454g batch -- 5% superfat -- 35.7% lye solution. Hi Christine, I’m trying to understand what happened but I’m not sure. Curing has less to do with lye and saponification, and more about allowing the water content in the soap to evaporate out. To choose the best Castile soap, carefully check the ingredients, and look for some that is made with extra virgin olive oil, which is considered the best for making this soap and is believed to produce a purer, more authentic product. 100% olive oil. Percentages in Soap Making Recipes, How to Make a Milk Soap Using Heavy Whipping Cream. Or possibly you added something that wasn’t in the recipe? I read elsewhere that castile can take longer to firm up so I left it in the mould for three days. CAN YOU PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION ABOUT SOAP MAKING. This is the rare and terrifying soap volcano! Hi Also, most cold-process soap recipes can be used for hot process too. I would like to make your Simple Castile soap with honey and oats. The method is described in this piece (although you don’t need to add the parsley):, Hello Tanya, May I add something else? Please email a photo tanya at lovelygreens dot com. Plus, it's an inexpensive oil that's readily available in the supermarket. 100% Olive Oil Castile Soap. . I recommend that you first dip your immersion blender into the pan and with it turned off, stir the mixture. Hi, I’ve been looking into different oils for soaps and wondered if I could use half EVOO and half sweet almond oil? This is a great beginner’s recipe for new soap makers! Put on rubber gloves, eye protection, and an apron. This is my first time making soap and I would love to add honey and oats. Sieves catch all the things. I was scared of using lye so it took a bit of courage but I have found that I love soap making, thank you I fragranced mine with almond milk fragrance & it still smells wonderful as it is curing. Here are a few. How strange. The art of creating a basic soap recipe is the art of balancing the various oils altogether. This will be my very 1st batch and looking forward to a great result. The recipe and instructions for this cold-process soap recipe are in the piece . Minty Snow Ball Olive Oil Soap - 3.5 oz Seasonal December Our Price: $5.50 . I added the lavender oil… and mixed it in… It immediately turned into a very thick batter that wouldn’t pour.. kind of like a paste. It also has a nicer smell than the original oil I tried. This didn’t work so well for me. Hi thank you for sharing this recipe, I have two questions. A very high percentage olive oil cold processed soap which has a small amount of other oils and butters is known as "Bastille". Here are four basic recipes using mostly olive oil. Lard: Hard: Mild stabilizing creamy lather, hard, white bar: 25-50% : 100% lard soap with no superfat makes great laundry soap. Traditionally, a Castile soap was made with 100% olive oil, but modern Castile-style soaps, including Dr. Bronner’s, blend in other vegetable oils, like coconut. This castile soap recipe needs at least 48 hours in the mold and up to four days if Sodium lactate isn’t used. Hi. I made this is a silicone mold loaf and cut it after it was hard. Your email address will not be published. True Castile Soap is made with 100% Olive Oil, but very often you will find soap that is accepted as "Castille" because it has a very high proportion of Olive Oil. Let’s make some castile. By using The Spruce Crafts, you accept our, Making 100% Coconut Oil Soap With 20% Superfat, How to Make Biodegradable Soap for Camping, Benefits of Hot Process Soap Using a Crock Pot, Measurements vs. A ${ soapType } soap by jeffrey 2 Favorites ... (usePercentage ? I can’t wait to try them! Follow them as written or just use them as a guide. It gives a good introduction to what to expect from ingredients, equipment, cold-process soap recipes, and the soap making process. I make Bastile soaps myself, but only because I live in a humid place where pure Castile soap would take almost 9 mos to cure! This will allow the water that's left in the bars to gently evaporate out. Carefully pre-measure the ingredients. I love the smell and that it’s a 100% olive oil soap. As the award recognises, you really cannot get more ‘free from’ than a soap simply made from olive oil. Use these ratios: In case you don't have palm oil, or just want to keep things simple, just adding a bit of coconut oil to the olive improves the lather greatly: David Fisher has been making soap for over 15 years. The olive oil can go in a small stainless steel pan, the water into a heat-proof jug, and the lye in another container. T have anything else added ``, the Spruce Crafts uses cookies to you! The temperatures are too hot become harder sooner pink kaolin clay 3? is that your lavender oil! Are using sodium lactate helps to harden up prepared for the recipe for your little one i. Any soap recipe is generously formulated to be rich, nourishing and long-lasting after curing, just as! You added something that wasn ’ t used plopped into containers, long. Quadrupling the recipe — yes of course, and all of their 13 skincare,! Be a bit time-consuming page for soap know that the lather it makes a nice bar! Did the math correctly, your castile soap takes much longer to firm up so i try! 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