(a) Definition. He is the official charged with the duties of issuing building permits. (8 ) Group H. Assembly Other Than Group 1. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and every stairway required to be more than 3.00 meters in width shall be provided with not less than one intermediate handrail for each 3.00 meters of required width. The slope of exit passageway shall not exceed 1 in 8. In no case shall the internal diameter of a wet standpipe be less than 50 millimeters, except when the standpipe is attached to an automatic fire-extinguishing system. (c) Obstruction of Openings. The screen shall be substantially supported below the glass. At least one exit not less than 900 millimeters wide shall be provided from each side of the stage opening directly or by means of a passageway not less than 900 millimeters in width to a street or exit court. Each port and every other opening in projection room walls, including, any fresh-air inlets but excluding exit doors and exhaust ducts, shall be provided with a shutter of not less than 2.4 millimeters thick sheet metal or its equivalent large enough to overlap at least 25 millimeters on all sides of such openings. All materials of construction, and assemblies or combinations thereof shall be classified according to their fire-retardant or flame-spread ratings as determined by general accepted testing methods and/or by the Secretary. All parts of the stage floor shall be designed to support not less than 620 kilograms per square meters. In Group B, C, D, E, F, and G Occupancies location of all interior wet standpipes shall be in accordance with the requirement for dry standpipes: Provided, that at least one standpipe is installed to cover not more than 650 square meters. The source of supply for such pump shall be a street water main of not less than 100 mm, diameter or a well or cistern containing a one-hour supply. For purposes of this Section basement or cellars and occupied roofs shall be provided with exits as required for storeys. Smoke chamber back walls shall not be less than 150 millimeters in thickness. All glass in skylights shall be wired glass: Except, that skylights over vertical shafts extending through two or more storeys shall be glazed with plain glass as specified in this Code: Provided, that wire glass may be used in ventilation equal to not less than one-eight the cross-sectional area of the shaft but never less than 1.20 meters is provided at the top of such shaft. There shall be provided for each motion picture projector not more than one projection port, which shall be limited in area to 750 square centimeters, and not more than one observation port, which shall be limited in area to 1,300 square centimeters. If the grate area of such an incinerator exceeds 0.80 square meter, the walls shall not be less than 100 millimeters of firebrick except that higher than 9.00 meters above the roof of the combustion chamber, common brick alone 200 millimeters in thickness, may be used. The maximum rise of treads shall not exceed 200 millimeters and the minimum width of the run shall be 280 millimeters. Each loft block well shall be designed to support 373 kilograms per linear meter and the head block well shall be designed to support the aggregate weight of all the loft block wells served. (b) Clearance. (1) Except in Group A Occupancies, no skylight shall be installed within 3.00 meters of a property line. FERDINAND E. MARCOS openable from the inside without the use of a key Approved plastic materials shall be those which have a flame-spread rating of 225 or less and a smoke density not greater than that obtained from the burning of untreated wood under similar conditions when tested in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices. (2.2) Any approved formula which determined pipe sizes on a pressure drop basis may be used to determine pipe size for wet standpipe systems. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure or cause the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of this Code. In processing an application for a building permit, the Building Official shall see to it that the applicant satisfies and conforms with approved standard requirements on zonings and land use, lines and grades, structural design, sanitary and sewerage, environmental health, electrical and mechanical safety as well as with other rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Eaves over required windows shall not be less than 750 millimeters from the side and rear property lines. area no box 1 (to be accomplished in print by the applicant) owner/applicant last name first name m.i. Tests shall be conducted by the owner of the building contractor in the presence of a representative of the Building Official whenever deemed necessary for the purpose of certification of its proper function. No signs or sign structures shall be erected in such a manner than any portion to its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit, or standpipe. (a) General. For the purpose of this Chapter, the center line of an adjoining street or alley may be considered an adjacent property line. (5) Siamese Connections. The type of construction for storage floors shall depend upon the requirements based on the type of Occupancy and the corresponding fire-resistive requirements. Presidential Assistant. (c) Skylights installed for the use of photographers may be constructed of metal frames and plate glass without wire netting. All 125 millimeter dry standpipes shall be equipped with a three-way Siamese fire department connection and 150 millimeters dry standpipes shall be equipped with a four-way Siamese fire department connections. In Groups C, H and E Occupancies, aisles shall not be provided a dead end greater than 6.00 meters in length. In the second storey of a two-storey building of Group A Occupancy, corbeling of masonry chimneys on the exterior of the enclosing walls may equal the wall thickness. Doors in any position shall not reduce the required width of the corridor by more than one-half. 638. Section 1605. When only two exits are provided, they shall be spaced not less than one-fifth of the perimeter apart. (Rule 10.2.2.E). Professional and Technical Assistance. Legislation. Dry standpipes shall be of wrought iron or galvanized steel and together with fittings and connections shall be of sufficient strength to withstand 20 kilograms per square centimeter of water pressure when ready for service, without leaking at the joints, valves, or fittings. (2.5) Masonry Chimneys for Incinerators Installed in Multi-Storey Buildings (Apartment-Type Incinerators) Chimneys for incinerators installed in multi-storey building using the chimney passageway as a refuse chute where the horizontal grate area of combustion chamber does not exceed 0.80 square meter shall have walls of solid masonry or reinforced concrete, not less than 100 millimeters thick with a chimney lining as specified in this Code. The allowable working stresses of materials in trusses shall conform to this Code. Each post shall be anchored to such footing by strap and bolts of adequate size. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served divided by 165: Except, that for open air stands with seats without backrests the total width of exits in meter shall not be less than the total occupant load served divided by 500 when existing by stairs, and divided by 650 when existing by ramps or horizontally. Every projection room shall have at least two doorways separated by not less than one-thirds the perimeter of the room, each at least 750 millimeters wide and 2.00 meters high. The sign or sign structure must not project more than 1.00 meter into the public alley where the sign or sign structure is located more than 4.50 meters above established sidewalk grade. Section 706. (a) General. As used in this Code, the words, terms and phrases enumerated in Annex “A” hereof shall have the meaning or definition, correspondingly provided therein. (g) Horizontal Exit. Exterior glass and glazing shall be capable of safely withstanding the load due to wind pressures for various height zones above ground acting inward or outward. The structural elements shall be of steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction. The exhaust systems serving the projection room may be extended to cover rooms associated therewith such as rewind rooms. Qualifications of Building Officials. The slope of exit courts shall not exceed 1 in 10. The chimney liner shall be in accordance with this Code. Exhaust ducts shall be constructed of steel having a thickness not less than the values set by the Secretary. A certificate of Occupancy shall be issued by the Building Official within thirty (30) days if after final inspection and submittal of a Certificate of Completion referred to in the preceding section, it is found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code. Any glass not wire glass shall be protected above and below with a screen constructed of wire not smaller than 2.5 millimeters in diameter with a mesh not larger than 25 millimeters. Other handrails shall be designed to resist a load of 40 kilograms per linear meter. (d) Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served divided by 165. Exposed glass edges shall be smooth. Roof Construction and Covering. Regardless of the type of construction, draft stops shall be installed in trusses roofs, between roof and bottom chords or trusses, in all buildings exceeding 2000 square meters. Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the same architect or civil engineer who is responsible for the design of the building. (3) Posting of Room Capacity. For ladder requirements, refer to the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code. There shall be not more than three combination ports, each of which shall not exceed 750 millimeters by 600 millimeters. Access shall be through a vestibule with one wall at least fifty percent open to the exterior and having an exit door from the interior of the building and exit door leading to the smokeproof enclosure. Every masonry chimney shall have walls of masonry units, bricks, stones, listed masonry chimney units, reinforced concrete or equivalent solid thickness of hollow masonry and lined with suitable liners in accordance with the following requirements: (2.1) Masonry Chimneys for Residential Type Appliances. Requirements on Type of Construction. Footing shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at least 250 millimeters thick and 600 millimeters below the surface of the ground. A durable wearing surface shall be provided throughout the construction period. There shall be not more than 3.60 meters vertical distance between landings. (3) Draft Stops. (7) Water Supply. Film laboratories, projection rooms, and nitro-cellulose processing rooms shall have not less than two exits. All buildings or structures constructed under R.A. 6541 or existing city or municipal building codes or ordinances, if legally done in accordance therewith, shall be respected subject to such limitations established in this Code. Exhaust capacity shall not be less than 0.50 cubic meter nor more than 1.40 cubic meter per minute for each arc lamp plus 5.60 cubic meters for the room itself. Lathing, Plastering, and Installation of Wall Boards. cm. A property owner cannot move-in immediately even though the final touches and finishing construction procedures of its home, office, or shop has been done. (d) No certificate of occupancy or completion shall be issued unless: Section 211. When corridor wall are required to be one-hour fire-resistive construction, every interior door opening shall be protected as set forth in generally recognized and accepted requirements for dual purpose fire exit doors. Size and Dimensions of Courts. CHAPTER XII (3) Number required. Fences over 1.80 meters high, tanks, and towers. PROTECTION OF PEDESTRIANS DURING CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION. No combustible material other than approved plastics shall be used in the construction of electrical signs. (c) Foundations may be permitted to encroach into public sidewalk areas to a width not exceeding 500 millimeters; provided, that the top of the said foundations is not less than 600 millimeters below the established grade; and provided further, that said projections does not obstruct any existing utility such as power, communication, gas, water, or sewer lines, unless the owner concerned shall pay the corresponding entities for the rerouting of the parts of the affected utilities. Each mezzanine floor used for other than storage purposes, if greater in area than 185 square meters or more than 18.00 meters in any dimension, shall have at least than two stairways to an adjacent floor. The roof covering of the spires shall be as required for the main room of the rest of the structure. When a building is of mixed occupancy or used for more than one occupancy, the whole building shall be subject to the most restrictive requirement pertaining to any of the type of occupancy found therein except in the following: (1) When a one-storey building houses more than one occupancy, each portion of the building shall conform to the requirement of the particular occupancy housed therein and; (2) Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than ten percent of the area of any floor or a building, nor more than ten percent of the basic area permitted in the occupancy requirements, in which case, the major use of the building determine the occupancy classification. The non-issuance, suspension and revocation of Certificates of Occupancy and the procedure for appeal therefrom shall be governed in so far as applicable, by the provisions of Section 306 and 307 of this Code. Chimneys shall be designed, anchored, supported, reinforced, constructed, and installed in accordance with generally accepted principles of engineering. If the design capacity of grate area of such an incinerator exceeds 110 kilograms per hour and 0.80 square meter respectively, walls shall not be less than 200 millimeters thick, lined with not less than 100 millimeters of firebrick extending the full height of the chimney. The proscenium opening, which shall be the main opening for viewing performances, shall be provided with a self closing fire-resistive curtain as specified in this Code. (e) Flashing. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere with the operation of any exterior standpipe connection or to obstruct the clear passage from stairway exits from the building or the installation or maintenance of electroliers. The display of all signs shall be kept nearly painted and secured at all times. Air ducts in Group A Occupancies need not be enclosed in a shaft if conforming to the mechanical provisions of this Code. (a) No part of any building or structure or any of its appendages shall project beyond the property line of the building site, except as provided in this Code. Portable lights on extension cords are prohibited. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Code and/or commit any act hereby declared to be unlawful shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than twenty thousand pesos or by imprisonment of not more than two years or by both such fine and imprisonment: Provided, that in the case of a corporation firm, partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for such violation and in case the guilty party is an alien, he shall immediately be deported after payment of the fine and/or service of his sentence. 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