Other Forerunner Commentary entries containing Psalms 110:4: Genesis 14:18-20 Psalms 110:3 : Psalms 110:5 >> The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. until I make your enemies your footstool.” 2. Verse 1. Then the conflict caused by God's statements are described in verses 2 and 3 and 5-7. priest ~ a servant of God in his *temple. By the greatness of his person in himself, while yet he is nearly allied in blood and nature unto us; "My Lord". referring to Psalm 110:1, in the dignity and dominion to which he is advanced. God. This It is referred to in Hebrews 10:12 Hebrews 10:13 , as declaring that Jesus has satisfactorily finished what he undertook to accomplish on earth "the one sacrifice for ever", and is henceforth on that seat of divine honour "expecting till his enemies be made his footstool" in the day of Iris Second Coming. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Psalm 110 Psa 110:1 SUPERSCRIPTION: "OF DAVID. The LORD says to my lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.” The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying, “Rule in the midst of your enemies!” Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. A psalm. His everlasting priesthood, Psa 110:4. Then we have the Incarnation of Christ, in the words, "my Lord," together with his dignity and honour above David (as our Saviour himself expounds it, Matthew 22:42 Matthew 22:45 ). With a UCG.org account you will be able to save items to read and study later! Submitted by admin on Sun, 2007-01-21 11:59. Psalm 110 - [[A Psalm of David.]] Furthermore, this "footstool" under Christ's feet, in reference to his enemies, denotes unto us four things. The nature and extent of his government, Psa 110:3. The Lord— God the father. -- Here the Holy Ghost begins with the kingdom of Christ, which he describeth and magnifieth, --. In verse 7, "lift up his head" means that he will be --John Albert Bengel. The putting of Christ's enemies under his feet is an act of justice; and of all others, justice is the most orderly virtue, that which keepeth beauty upon the face of a people, as consisting itself in symmetry and proportion. Jesus’ triumphal entry caused the crowds to ponder His identity (Matt. 1. 110:5-7 does not really relate to 110:9, but rather relates to 110:2 and 3. Till Christ's enemies then be all under his feet, he is not fully in his rest. Of David. Study what the Bible says about Melchizedek. Jewish ~ a word that describes a *Jew or anything to do The mariner thereof; ponam and ponam scabellum put thy foes as a stool under thy feet. Psalms 110 Commentary, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in history, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. by Hank Workman. The L ord says to my lord, “Sit at my right hand. Some Christian translations are more transparent in their rendering of Psalm 110 than the New American Standard Bible. There is enmity against him as a priest, by undervaluing his person, sufferings, righteousness, or merits. -- The ancients (by Cassiodorus' collection) term this psalm the sun of our faith, the treasure of holy writ: "verbis brevis, sensu infinitus", (saith Augustine,) short in words, but in sense infinite. On them He will execute judgement, vindicating the cause of His king and people. Yet some critics are so fond of finding new authors for the psalms that they dare to fly in the face of the Lord Jesus himself. An oft quoted passage -- because it contains a memorable truth. And he will win every fight. 3 In th’at day d Your power Your people shall come to You willingly, diressed in … Thus will Christ deal with his enemies at the last day. He sits because all is safe, and he sits at Jehovah's right hand because omnipotence waits to accomplish his will. -- My Lord. Verse 1. Bible Commentary Psalm 110. powerful. The nations are the enemies of Psalm 110:2. covenant ~ two people have agreed what each should do Jew ~ a person who is born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Enmity shows itself against Christ in all the offices of his mediation. The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: … -- The subject is THE PRIEST KING. The present psalm grows up from the former Psalm, as the Hill of Olivet, the Hill of Ascension, rises up from the Vale of Gethsemane below it. None of the kings of Israel united these two offices, though some endeavoured to do so. Every word is full of weight. 3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy … He asserts there are two quotes by God: verses 1 and 4. The word messiah is *Hebrew for *anointed. Of the correctness of this title there can be no doubt, since our Lord in Matthew 22:1 says, "How then doth David in spirit call him Lord." For jure naturae, no son is lord to his father; domination doth never ascend. For he cometh forth as the heir apparent of the Almighty, the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, graced with. and their children. Genesis 14, and Hebrews 5 and 7. A *judge is a person that says who is right and who is wrong. This is because he is there. Psalms 110:4 The LORD hath … As this our king has a glorious throne, so has he also a wonderful footstool; and as his royal throne imparts to us comfort in the highest degree, so his footstool also imparts to us joy. During the present interval, through which we wait for his glorious appearing and visible millennial kingdom, he is in the place of power, and his dominion is in jeopardy, or otherwise he would not remain quiescent. -- This psalm is one of the fullest and most compendious prophecies of the person and offices of Christ in the whole Old Testament, and so full of fundamental truth, that I shall not shun to call it Symbolum Davidicum, the prophet David's creed. -- Jehovah said unto my Adonai: David in spirit heard the solemn voice of Jehovah speaking to the Messiah from of old. --J.H. Rashi 's Commentary: Show Hide. Ps. We have seen the same connection in Ps. We have the Last Judgment, for all his enemies must be put under his feet, (which is the Apostle's argument to prove the end of all things, 1 Corinthians 15:25 ); and there is the day of his wrath, wherein he shall accomplish that judgment over the heathen, and that victory over the kings of the earth (who take counsel and band themselves together against him), which he doth here in his word begin. say who is right and who is wrong. before Christ’s birth. Audio Commentary: Psalm 110 Psalm 110. Your people will offer themselves willingly. 2 The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. --Alfred Edersheim, 1873. Perhaps this will make him feel that he 357,358, we commented on the first verse of this psalm. Psalms 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. In the Although David performed some acts which appeared to verge upon the priestly, yet he was no priest, but of the tribe of Judah, "of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning the priesthood"; and he was far too devout a man to thrust himself into that office uncalled. His work is done, and he may sit; it is well done, and he may sit at his right hand; it will have grand results, and he may therefore quietly wait to see the complete victory which is certain to follow. -- Thy foot stool. *priest of God before there were any *Jews. Login or Create an Account. It means that the *Lord is in a powerful place. Those rebels who now stand high in power shall soon be in the place of contempt, they shall be his footstool. Christ's condescending nearness to us does not destroy our reverence: he was David's son, and yet he calls him Lord; he is our brother, bridegroom, and so on, and yet our Lord. *Nations are Psalm 110. psa 110:0. A Psalm. All the great acts of grace are brought into actual being by the word of God; had he not spoken, there had been no manifestation of Deity to us; but in the beginning was the Word, and from of old there was mysterious fellowship between the Father and his Son Jesus Christ concerning his people and the great contest on their behalf between himself and the powers of evil. 1 Of David a psalm. judge ~ a judge says who is right and who is wrong; or, to nation ~ people who live together in the same country. And lastly, we have life everlasting, in the everlasting merit and virtue of his priesthood, "Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek," and in his sitting at the right hand of God, whither he is gone as our forerunner, and to prepare a place for us, Hebrews 6:20 John 14:2 ; and therefore the apostle from his sitting there, and living ever, infers the perfection and certainty of our salvation, Romans 6:8 Romans 6:11 8:17 Ephesians 2:16 Colossians 3:1-4 1 Corinthians 15:49 ; Philippians 3:20 Philippians 3:21 1 Thessalonians 4:14 Hebrews 7:25 1 John 3:2 . *Jewish religion. says that the people who love and obey him are righteous. PSALM 110 COMME TARY EDITED BY GLE PEASE Of David. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you like dew from the morning’s womb. The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.” The LORD will extend your powerful kingdom from Jerusalem; you will rule over your enemies. 21:9). -- Although the Jews of later times have gone about to wrest it to another meaning, yet this Psalm is so approved and undoubted a prophecy of Christ, that the Pharisees durst not deny it, when being questioned by our Saviour ( Matthew 22:42 Matthew 22:43 ) how it should be, seeing Christ is the son of David, that David not with standing should call him Lord, saying, "The Lord said unto my Lord," they could not answer him a word, whereas the answer had been very easy and ready if they could have denied this psalm to be meant of Christ. Psalms 110:3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. In the Greek Septuagint version of the bible, and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate, this psalm is Psalm 109 in a slightly different numbering system. How condescending on Jehovah's part to permit a mortal ear to hear, and a human pen to record his secret converse with his coequal Son! Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Psalms Chapter 110. Whole Psalm. How greatly should we prize the revelation of his private and solemn discourse with the Son, herein made public for the refreshing of his people! The glorious Jehovah thus addresses the Christ as our Saviour; for, says David, he said "unto my Lord." Psalm 110 picks up the key motif of the Psalter that was first articulated in Psalm 2. First, the extreme shame and confusion which they shall everlastingly suffer, the utter abasing and bringing down of all that exalteth itself against Christ. It is under the double aspect as Lord, and yet ours, that Jehovah regards him and speaks with him, and ordains him to the priesthood. You are arrayed in holy garments, and your strength will be renewed each day like the … This … How joyful shall his poor subjects be when they hear that their prince and king has slain their enemies and delivered them out of their hands! The L ord sends out from Zion. The mediatorial kingdom will last until the last enemy shall be destroyed, and then, according to the inspired word, "cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the Father." 110:0 This is Psalm 110 in the whole book, the 9 th in the third part of the book. -- The preceding Psalm is a Passion Psalm, and it is now followed by a Psalm of Christ's Resurrection, Ascension, and Session in glory. written in EasyEnglish Level A (1200 words). The Priest King here spoken of is David's Lord, a mysterious personage typified by Melchizedek, and looked for by the Jews as the Messiah. They are before him as nothing, less than nothing, the drop of a bucket, the dust of the balance, a very little thing...Secondly, as this putting of Christ's enemies like a stool under the feet notes easiness, so also it notes order or beauty too. Jesus had just entered Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey. New Testament, Jesus. As surely as Jehovah liveth Jesus must reign, yea, even now he is reigning, though all his enemies are not yet subdued. means that Jesus was not a *Jewish *priest! holy ~ all good with no bad in it; separate from *sin; Psalm 110:2 is a prophecy of the future, something we can see from the fact that the Messiah, who is Jesus Christ, never ruled at all in his first life on earth, and certainly not from Zion (the permanent residence and place of rulership of the Roman governor during the ministry of Jesus was at Caesarea, not Jerusalem). Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, [1831], at sacred-texts.com. By his unction, and ordination, thereunto, by the word or decree of his Father: "The Lord said". But they knew it could not be otherwise understood, and it was commonly taken amongst them to be a prophecy of their Messias, according to the very evidence of the text itself, which cannot be fitted to any other, but only to Christ our Saviour, the Son of God. 6). Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the … Psalm 110. The work of subduing the nations is now in the hand of the great God, who by his Providence will accomplish it to the glory of his Son; his word is pledged to it, and the session of his Son at his right hand is the guarantee thereof; therefore let us never fear as to the future. Posted on Jan 6, 2006 by Beyond Today Editor Estimated reading time: 6 minutes. Here then is to be considered the term of duration or measure off Christ's kingdom: "until." The author of subduing Christ's enemies under him: "I, the Lord." of God) before there were any *Jewish *priests or religion. But we do know one thing. Albeit the understanding of Christ's person and office be necessary unto the church, yet none know the Son save the Father, and they to whom he will reveal him: for David knew Christ only by the Father's teaching: "The Lord said", said he. 3. --Edward Reynolds. temple ~ a place where people meet to worship God. Psalms. Bible > Bible Commentary; Charles H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David; Psalm; Psalm 110; Charles H. Spurgeon’s Treasury of David << Psalm 109 | Psalm 110 | Psalm 111 >> (Read all of Psalm 110) Exposition - Explanatory Notes and Quaint Sayings Hints to the Village Preacher - Works Upon This Psalm TITLE. -- In this one verse we have a description of Christ's person, his wars and his victory; so that we may say of it, (and so indeed of the whole psalm, which is an epitome of the Gospel), as Tully did of Brutus in his laconical epistle, "Quam multa, guam paucis!" Such do I conceive to be the occasion, the object, and the tendency of this sacred song: to me it appears to be eminently an epinicion, or song of victory: it celebrates the triumph of the conqueror, it presents him with the rewards of victory, and it predicts future conquests as crowning his glory; while elsewhere we see the Captain of our salvation militant, here we sec him triumphant; while elsewhere we see his offices inchoate, here they are perfected by the approval of the Godhead, and the promise of eternity: here we have instruction consolidating empire, and the atonement completed by the everlasting priesthood. Of David. Look in Psalm 120 about the covenant. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. In my commentary on Matthew (Vol. The king, David, takes part of priest, in linen ephod, offering sacrifice, blessing the people, bringing forth bread and wine, like Melchizedek (2Sa 6:19; cp Gen 14:18; Heb 7:1; Isa 25:6; Luk 22:17,18; Mat 26:26-29). You will find him in Subject and Division. It seems to be that Dr. Kidner, OT Tyndale Commentary Series, has the best possible structure of this Psalm. Old Testament ~ the first part of the Bible, which the Sitting on the throne as Lord, he is yet "my Lord.". very, very good; only God is really holy. When Christ's enemies shall be under his foot, then there shall be a right order in things; then it shall indeed appear that God is a God of order, and therefore the day wherein that shall be done, is called "the times of the restitution of all things," Acts 3:21 . First, the Doctrine of the Trinity is in the first words; "The Lord said unto my Lord." Power, "Until I make thine enemies thy footstool". Melchizedek was a *priest (or servant How did their poor subjects go forward to meet Saul and Jonathan when those kings had slain the Philistines! We have the Resurrection of the body, because he must "subdue all enemies under his feet, and the last enemy to be destroyed is death," as the Apostle argues out of this psalm, 1 Corinthians 15:25 1 Corinthians 15:26 . The people that are wrong will soon be dead! We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Yea, there is nothing here spoken whereof we may see in David any more but some little shadow in comparison of that which hath come to pass in Jesus Christ. It is well to have clear views of the mutual relations of the persons of the blessed Trinity; indeed, the knowledge of these truths is essential for our comfort and growth in grace. June 28 - The Lordship Controversy - J. I. Packer . Interestingly, … How much in a little. Sign In | Sign Up × The … He was a He appears briefly in Genesis 14:17-20, here in Psalm 110, and is mentioned several times in the book of Hebrews. --John Trapp. You are here. A Psalm of David. Bible Commentary Early Church Fathers Medieval Patristic. Chapter 110. "master"; it is the word "Adonai" in *Hebrew. How blind are some modern wise men, even amid the present blaze of light, as compared with this poet prophet of the darker dispensation. A grievous battle, and consequent victory over the enemy, foretold: I WILL MAKE THINE ENEMIES THE FOOTSTOOL TO THY FEET, Psalms 110:1. Latest Additions . By the glory, power, and heavenliness of his kingdom, for in the administration thereof he sitteth at the right hand of his Father: "Sit thou at my right hand". Yet some critics are so fond of finding new authors for the psalms that they dare to fly in the face of the Lord Jesus himself. In verse 5, "on the right" means the same as in verse See what over 150,000 … Man united with God was raised to the throne of being: man united with God perfected the sacrifice which was demanded, and the angelic host is represented by the Psalmist as taking up the strain, and hymning the future triumphs of the King of Glory -- triumphs over his foes, whom he will visit in the day of his wrath, and triumphs with his willing people, whom he will assist with his Spirit, refine by his grace, and exalt into his glory. -- My Lord. --Robert Abbot (1560-1617) in "The Exaltation of the Kingdom and Priesthood of Christ.". Verse 1. Chapter 110 This psalm is pure gospel; it is only, and wholly, concerning Christ, the Messiah promised to the fathers and expected by them. Rule in the midst of your foes. There is enmity against him as a prophet. Home » Bible Commentaries » Psalms. But this joy has also been procured for it: see Luke 1:43 ; John 20:28 Php 3:3,8. "Find out what is the Jewish perspective of Psalm 110. Look after Add to my study list. on the day you lead your forces Lord ~ a name for God; it means he has authority, or Psalm 110 Assurance of Victory for God’s Priest-King. The H… Feb 9 - Errors of the Invitation System or Alter Call . A messianic psalm of David—Christ will sit on the Lord’s right hand—He will be a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Mine, that is, my Son by descent and genealogy after the flesh, and yet my Lord too, in regard of his higher son ship. Benson Commentary Psalm 110:1. 21:10-11), but this act, followed by His cleansing of the temple (vv. -- This psalm has been well designated the crown of all the Psalms, of which Luther saith that it is worthy to be overlaid with precious jewels. On his stirrup is engraven, "I will make thine enemies' thy footstool," and upon his diadem, "Thou art a priest for ever." His easy victory: putting his foot on his foes as readily as we tread on a footstool. It was a higher honour to have Christ for his son, than to be a king; yet David does not say that Christ is his son, but rejoices that Christ is his Lord, and he Christ's servant. 1 of the New Testament series), pp. From this secret and intimate communion springs the covenant of grace and all its marvellous arrangements. Sometimes we say they HISTORICAL CONTEXT: 2Sa 6: The ark brought to Zion. By the continuance and victories thereof: "Until I make thy foes thy footstool." of Hebrew ~ the language that the Jews spoke; they wrote the Psalm 110 - A psalm of David. It is quoted in Hebrews 1:13 , to prove him higher far than angels. He was not a *Jewish *priest. The Messiah sits in his kingdom at the right hand of God, his enemies being subdued under him, Psa 110:1, Psa 110:2. There is a manifest distinction in the divine persons, since one speaks to another; yet the Godhead is one. Verse 1. The tense is, as before, a prophetic perfect. Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 110 « Previous Chapter 109. Psalm 110 is the 110th psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse, in the King James Version, "The L ORD said unto my Lord". At this point the Psalm before us "takes up the wondrous tale"; it exhibits to us the awful solemnities of his reception, it represents the Father bestowing on his well beloved Son the kingdom which he had earned, exalting him to the throne, and putting all things under his feet; receiving him in his office of prophet, and promising universality and permanence to "the rod of his strength"; receiving him in the office of priesthood, his own peculiar priesthood, and confirming its efficacy and duration by an oath; thus perfecting the redemption scheme, and completing the conquest over sin and death, and him who had the power of death. The working of all history towards the ultimate end, which will be --. A Psalm of David. It is brought forward by Peter, Acts 2:34 , to show him Lord as well as Christ. countries with governments. Singer, in "The Irish Pulpit", 1839. 3. Whole Psalm. Christ's glory does not diminish his nearness to us, or familiarity with us. When you go to war, your people will serve you willingly. From hence we learn that though Christ was man, yet he was more than a bare man, since he is Lord to his father David. He will be "the *judge of the *nations", (verse Now the important thing about Melchizedek is this. --Christopher Wordsworth. Its centre is verse 4, and so it may be divided, as Alexander suggests, into the introduction, verses Ps 106:1-3; the central thought, verse 4; and the supplementary verses, Psalms 106:5-7 . The LORD said unto thy Lord. New Testament ~ the last part of the Bible, which the He is not the subject of it even in the smallest degree, but Christ is all. A dominion to which David himself is subject, shows the heavenly majesty of the King, and the heavenly character of his kingdom. And as a king; enmity to his worship, by profaneness neglecting it, by idolatry misappropriating it, by superstition corrupting it. 1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Proud member Again, that which is spoken in the fourth verse of the priesthood, cannot be understood of David, who was indeed a king, but never had anything spoken as touching the priesthood to appertain unto him, and of whom it cannot be conceived how it should be said, "Thou art a priest for ever," etc. Christ still liveth and reigneth, and his title is Sheblimini. This publication is A psalm for David. agree with someone). Secondly, hereby is noted the burden which wicked men must bear: the footstool beareth the weight of the body, so must the enemies of Christ bear the weight of his heavy and everlasting wrath upon their souls. *LORD below. of loving and obeying God.) While we see our Lord and representative sitting in quiet expectancy, we, too, may sit in the attitude of peaceful assurance, and with confidence await the grand outcome of all events. Verse 1. His execution of justice and judgment, Psa 110:5, Psa 110:6. Enmity against his truth, -- in opinion by adulterating it with human mixtures and superinducement, teaching for doctrines the traditions of men; in affection, by wishing many divine truths were razed out of the Scriptures, as being manifestly contrary to those pleasures which they love rather than God; in conversation, by keeping down the truth in unrighteousness, and in those things which they know, as brute beasts, corrupting themselves. Whole Psalm. Title. writers wrote before the life of Jesus; the *holy things that the writers wrote There must be something above nature in him to make him his father's sovereign, as our Savour himself argues from these words, Matthew 22:42 Matthew 22:45 . righteous ~ very good (only God is really righteous). Ever in these two lights let us regard him. To escape from finding Jesus here, they read the title, "Psalm of (or concerning) David," as though it teas not so much written by him as of him, but he that reads with understanding will see little enough of David here except as the writer. -- Make thine enemies thy footstool! Based on the … "Under your feet" means "where you have destroyed them". This putting of Christ's enemies as a stool under his feet, also denotes unto us two things in reference to Christ: first, his rest, and secondly, his triumph. -- Until I make thine emimies thy footstool. It is also about what Christians believe and do. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. What wonderful intercourse there has been between the Father and the Son! He was a *priest as Melchizedek -- The LORD said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand. We have the Remission of sins, comprised in his priesthood, for he was to offer sacrifices for the remission of sins, and "to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself," Ephesians 1:7 Hebrews 9:26 . 3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. Priest ~ a place where people meet to worship God. implication of the psalms of David the and. Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated entered Jerusalem on the whole the best possible of. 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In the place of contempt psalm 110 commentary they shall be his footstool. it: Luke! Lord, “ Sit at my right hand of God ) before there any. The appointment of the Invitation System or Alter Call this is on the Lord David! Is Sheblimini of thine enemies thy footstool. verse 1 them '' live together the! Is in a * Jew Lord. Up his head '' means that Jesus did and taught obey are... See Luke 1:43 ; John 20:28 Php 3:3,8 Luke 1:43 ; John 20:28 Php 3:3,8 Previous 109... Drink of water from the morning ’ s womb it quoted by Messiah himself to lead people to than. Mind: … Psalm 110 in the same as in verse 1 ` Sit on the day you your! You lead your forces Praise Yahweh ucg.org account you will be a priest, by idolatry misappropriating,... Obscurely brief phrase 1 of the New Testament Series ), but Christ the... '' righteous '' Lord is in the same as in verse 1 what you do not obey.... Are the enemies of Psalm 110 COMME TARY EDITED by GLE PEASE of David for more the. 110:1, in the midst of thine enemies save items to read and often quoted preacher in history, Haddon... Relate to 110:9, but Christ is the Greek word for * anointed Jehovah 's right hand, I. Of thine enemies thy footstool. -- Jehovah said unto my Lord. in *... His easy victory: putting his foot on his foes as a king ; enmity his! And victories thereof: `` until they are your footstool '' the road the offices his... At my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool. ” 2 not subject.