2. And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well. How to use resort to in a sentence Looking for sentences with "resort to"? 321217 Don't resort to violence. Tharandt is a favourite summer resort of the people of Dresden, one of its principal charms being the magnificent beech woods which surround it. The town, built of grey granite, presents a handsome appearance, and being delightfully situated in the midst of the most beautiful pine and birch woods in Scotland, with pure air and a bracing climate, is an attractive resort. it was notorious as a resort of pirates, while some of the ironfounders of the district were suspected of secretly supplying Spain with ordnance. St Bernard, as a last resort, begged King Louis VII. PORTRUSH, a seaport and the most popular seaside resort of Co. Random good picture Not show. 0 0? Situated on the north bank of the Teith, here crossed by a three-arched bridge, and sheltered by a ridge of wooded hills, it is in growing repute as a health resort. Aristophanes and Plautus show us how often resort was had to the discipline of the lash even in the case of domestic slaves. At the end of the Republican period it became a resort of wealthy Romans, and the Julian and Claudian emperors frequently visited it; both Caligula and Nero were born there. In practice the whole of western Europe was subject to the jurisdiction of one tribunal of last resort, the Roman Curia. They lie entangled in a vast net of sea-weed; are the resort of innumerable birds, and used to be largely frequented by seals and sea-otters, which, however, have been almost completely driven away by unregulated hunting. Cave in Rock, on the Ohio, in Hardin county, was once the resort of river pirates. Fort William is a popular tourist resort and place of call for the steamers passing through the Caledonian canal. The Lahn is about 135 m. On the neighbouring coast is Marianao Beach, a popular bathing resort. Caroline Bay, to the north, is a bathing resort. = ( Brit) The company will only … FELIXSTOWE, a seaside resort of Suffolk, England; fronting both to the North Sea and to the estuary of the Orwell, where there are piers. In the 18th century it became necessary to resort to fiscal measures which were often harmful. At the same time, it was awarded the status of resort. distant, a favourite residential resort of Aberdeen citizens, begins at Stonehaven. But the picturesque scenery and delightful summer climate have made New England a favourite resort. OLD POINT COMFORT, a summer and winter resort, in Elizabeth City county, Virginia, U.S.A., at the southern end of a narrow, sandy peninsula projecting into Hampton Roads (at the mouth of the James river), about 12 m. The Stundenthalshbhe, a popular resort, is in the neighbourhood, and near Gladbach is Altenberg, with a remarkably fine church, built for the Cistercian abbey at this place. In this he considers briefly the best means of peaceable resistance to the policy of the ministry, but even at that early date faces frankly and fully the probable final necessity of resisting by force, and endorses it, though only as a last resort. resort in a sentence - Use "resort" in a sentence 1. The coast of Lower California is a favourite resort for the fur-bearing seal, r and pearl oysters find a congenial habitat in the south waters of the Gulf. I was ruined beyond repair, and I had, on the third morning, worked myself up to resort for relief to a loaded pistol. Connected with it are a library of 150,000 volumes and Boo MSS., a chemical laboratory, a zoological museum, a gynaecological institute, an ophthalmological school, a botanical garden and at Eldena (a seaside resort on the Baltic) an agricultural school. Dictionary ! Other attacks upon his authority were met with the same resort to force. South Beach, below the Narrows, is a popular seaside resort. 1 decade ago. 2. Greenwich is a summer resort, principally for New Yorkers. The village, a place of considerable natural beauty, is a summer resort, and has various manufactures. View the pronunciation for resort. Sheerness has some trade in corn and seed,, and there is steamboat connexion with Port Victoria, on the opposite side of the Medway; with Southend, on the opposite side of the Thames; and with Chatham and London, and the town is in some favour as a seaside resort. Excluded from parliament by the fatal error of his youth, he was compelled to resort to indirect means of working out his plans by influencing public men. c (1) : a frequently visited place : haunt. The place is now famous as a resort of pilgrims, and is also important for the history of Italian art. They are all blessed with a large number of resort hotels and condominiums. Fashionable society takes its pastimes at such centres as the grounds of the Hurlingham and Ranelagh clubs, at Fulham and Barnes respectively, where polo and other games are played; and Rotten Row, the horse-track in Hyde Park, is the favourite resort of riders. At Hermione, Artemis was worshipped under the name of Iphigeneia, thus showing the heroine in the last resort to be a form of that goddess (Pausanias ii. It was a frequent resort of Pepys, who mentions its houses of entertainment and the wrestling and other pastimes carried on, also that it furnished a refuge for many of those whose houses were destroyed in the fire of London in 1666. Nudism, the council decided, was doing the, 20. The company will only declare bankruptcy as a last/final resort. Here are some examples. In a few minutes the batteries on the extreme Prussian left were completely overwhelmed, and suddenly dense lines of French skirmishers emerged from a fold in the ground upon their flank and front, and the gunners were compelled to resort to case-shot, so imminent was their danger. 366-384, the catacombs had begun to be regarded with special devotion, and had become the resort of large bands of pilgrims, for whose guidance catalogues of the chief burial-places and the holy men buried in them were drawn up. to the E., it has since become a popular summer resort. Here vast numbers of ducks, geese, swans and pelicans resort every year. His genius so raised the fame of the university of Leiden, especially as a school of medicine, that it became a resort of strangers from every part of Europe. Around the city lie five great parks - Royal Park, in which are excellent zoological gardens; Yarra Park, which contains the leading cricket grounds; the Botanical Gardens, sloping down to the banks of the river; Albert Park, in which is situated a lake much used for boating; and Studley Park on the Yarra river, a favourite resort which has been left in a natural state. above sea-level and is surrounded by high hills; its picturesque situation and its nearness to famous mineral springs make it a health resort. PORTOVENERE (anc. Resort in a sentence 1. " The angry protestors resorted to violence. " Jackson was always ready to influence people, yet Sarah insisted they use that as a last resort. Of the squares, the principal is the Friedrich-Wilhelmplatz, on which lies the Elisenbrunnen with its colonnade and garden, the chief resort of visitors taking the baths and waters. the most fashionable seaside resort and the second port of *the kingdom. Some are said occasionally to resort to berries and other fruit for food, but as a rule they are carnivorous, feeding chiefly on birds and their eggs, small mammals, as squirrels, hares, rabbits and moles, but chiefly mice of various kinds, and occasionally snakes, lizards and frogs. Being open to the south-west sea breezes, it is a favourite place of resort from the oppressive heat of HongKong. The Kirkwood Mountain Resort in California reported a foot of snow. SALTBURN BY THE SEA, a seaside resort in the Cleveland parliamentary division of the North Riding of Yorkshire, England, 21 m. GMUNDEN, a town and summer resort of Austria, in Upper Austria, 40 m. It is much frequented as a health and summer resort, and has a variety of lake, brine, vegetable and pine-cone baths, a hydropathic establishment, inhalation chambers, whey cure, &c. There are a great number of excursions and points of interest round Gmunden, specially worth mentioning being the Traun Fall, 10 m. Beaufort's beautiful situation and delightful climate make it a winter resort. b : recourse sense 1a have resort to outside help. During the summer it is a place of considerable resort for the sake of its waters - saline, chalybeate and sulphur - and it possesses the usual accessories of pump-rooms, baths and a recreation ground. Como is a considerable tourist resort, and the steamboat traffic on the lake is largely for travellers. Definition of resort-to phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. and a winter average of 54°, and this and the dry purity of the air make it a health resort; it is also the winter home of many Northerners. Adjoining the town on the south-east is the beautifully-wooded Cluny Hill, a favourite public resort, carrying on its summit the tower, 70 ft. On account of its sulphur springs Harrodsburg became early in the 19th century a fashionable resort, and continues to attract a considerable number of visitors. In the time of Isaak Walton there stood by it a shady arbour to which the angler was wont to resort. It's probably silly, but I was thinking that this land would be a good investment for a resort retreat. A final expedient or recourse to achieve some end or settle a difficulty. The springs also give Droitwich a considerable reputation as a health resort. Tramways connect Alkmaar with Egmond and with the pretty summer resort of Bergen, which lies sheltered by woods and dunes. or areas, could be defended in the last resort as a keep. It has a beautiful cathedral, built after a plan by Rastrelli in 1753, to which pilgrims resort to venerate an ikon of the Virgin. Resort to definition is - to do or use (something) especially because no other choices are possible. Honolulu's safe harbour, discovered in 1794, made it a place of resort for vessels (especially whalers) and traders from the beginning of the 19th century. More example sentences. Moreover, if an offender is declared a dangerous offender, then “the analysis moves to [ s. 753(4.1) — the penalty stage] where the court will engage in a least-restrictive approach to sentencing that makes an indeterminate sentence a sentence of last resort.” Myers was executive vice president of Resorts International from 1977 to 1992. A resort fee is collected separately from the advertised room rate. of Leiden, is a popular seaside resort and fishing village. ZHELESNOVODSK, a health resort of Russian Caucasia, in the province of Terek, lying at an altitude of 1885 ft. That it was a place of common resort is shown by Euripides (Medea, 68 f.), where it is said that the elders were to be found "near the august waters of Pirene, playing draughts (irEVVoi) .". south from the mouth of the Winooski river along the lake shore and gradually rising from the water's edge to a height of 275 ft.; its situation and its cool and equable summer climate have given it a wide reputation as a summer resort, and it is a centre for yachting, canoeing and other aquatic sports. And we're hoping that no child ever tests that last resort.""" It was the last resort, but it was something. "That's what I called the resort when we opened in 2004." It may be that a single temple was the resort of several small associations of worshippers which were subdivisions of the whole community. VALLOMBROSA, a summer resort of Tuscany, Italy, in the province of Florence, reached by a cable railway 5 m. It was a favourite resort of highwaymen, whose bodies were exposed on gibbets along the road. broad, is a favourite summer resort, and is visited annually by about 20,000 persons. If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any other way of achieving what you want . Eupatoria has some repute as a sea-bathing resort. All Rights Reserved. Lasswade (pop. Sentence Examples. Such a thought can hardly be Micah's, even if we resort to the violent harmonistic process of imagining that two quite distinct sieges, separated by a renewal of the theocracy, are spoken of in consecutive verses. Owing to the mildness of its climate the winter town is a resort for consumptive patients. The city is a summer resort, has a public library, and is the seat of Wayland Academy (1855, Baptist), a co-educational preparatory school affiliated with the university of Chicago. The city and surrounding region are a summer resort, the lakes affording opportunities for fishing and for yachting and boating. The resort provides accommodation to suit every pocket. The whole region is now a favourite summer resort. The principal places of interest on the banks of the Earn are Dunira, the favourite seat of Henry Dundas, ist Viscount Melville, who took the title of his barony from the estate and to whose memory .an obelisk was raised on the adjoining hill of Dunmore; the village of Comrie; the town of Crieff; the ruined castle of Innerpeffray, founded in 1610 by the ist Lord Maderty, close to which is the library founded in 1691 by the 3rd Lord Maderty, containing some rare black-letter books and the Bible that belonged to the marquess of Montrose; Gascon Hall, now in ruins, but with traditions reaching back to the days of Wallace; Dupplin Castle, a fine Tudor mansion, seat of the earl of Kinnoull, who derives from it the title of his viscounty; Aberdalgie, Forgandenny and Bridge of Earn, a health resort situated amidst picturesque surroundings. In the spring of 1859 he was at Capri, always a favourite resort of his, and made many studies from nature, including a very famous drawing of a lemon tree. In 825 Hubert's remains were removed to a Benedictine cloister in the Ardennes, which thenceforth bore his name (St Hubert, province of Luxemburg, Belgium), and ultimately became a considerable resort of pilgrims. synonyms. Resort as a verb: If this doesn't work as a sentence, i may have to resort to Yahoo for help with this. Providence, owing to its superior water-power facilities, has therefore become one of the leading manufacturing centres of New England, whereas Newport is now known only as a fashionable summer resort. Defamation is a criminal offence in Thailand, carrying a maximum sentence of two years in prison, along with a 200,000 baht (£4,915) fine. Harrismith has a dry, bracing climate and enjoys a high reputation in South Africa as a health resort. The police claimed they had no choice but to resort to using pepper spray to stop the rioters. There is excellent bathing, and Brixham is in favour as a seaside resort. definitions. If my suitcase doesn't turn up, who knows what I'll have to resort to doing. in an attempt to loot the temple of Elymais. It is beautifully situated in the upper part of the valley of the Wharfe, and owing to the fine scenery of the neighbourhood, and to the bracing air of the high moorlands above the valley, has become a favourite health resort. It is a favourite summer resort of the Italians, but is cold and windy in winter. North of Lima is the port and bathing resort of Ancon, in an extremely arid locality but having a fine beach, a healthy climate and a considerable population in the season. Although the government had a great majority in the Chamber, the opposition counted the redoubtable names of Thiers, Berryer and Jules Favre, and government measures were only passed by frequent resort to the closure. from the centre of Laconia is Lakeport (pop. Its valley, the lower part of which divides the Taunus hills from the Westerwald, is often very narrow and picturesque; among the towns and sites of interest on its banks are Marburg and Giessen with their universities, Wetzlar with its cathedral, Runkel with its castle, Limburg with its cathedral, the castles of Schaumburg, Balduinstein, Laurenburg, Langenau, Burgstein and Nassau, and the well-known health resort of Ems. If we resort solely to Judaism for explanation, it must be a Judaism of the Diaspora type. Although not specifically a health resort, Los Angeles enjoys a high 1 They extend, however, to Fiji, Tahiti and Fanning Island. View more answers Q: Please show me example sentences with last resort. In 1864 the valley was granted to the state of California by act of Congress on condition that it should be held as a place of public use, resort and recreation inalienable for all time, was re-ceded to the United States by California on the 3rd of March 1905, and is now included in the Yosemite National Park. Use resort in a sentence. (4th) 1 As a last resort, a term of imprisonment may be imposed for defaulting on the payment of a fine. To reduce such land to a fit state for the growth of arable crops is very difficult and slow without resort to paring and burning. Biloxi is both a summer and a winter resort, particularly for the people of New Orleans and Mobile, and has a fine beach, extending for about 12 m. The former, he argues, are in the last resort libertinists and antinomians; the latter must be regarded as ascetic Judaists. of Somerset) and Paroquet Springs (near Shepherdsville, Bullitt county), which was a well-known resort before the Civil War, and near which, at Bullitt Lick, the first salt works in Kentucky are said to have been erected. 4. WESTON-SUPER-MARE, a seaside resort in the Wells parliamentary division of Somersetshire, England, on the Bristol Channel, 1372 m. by rail S.E., and on the seashore) has become a town of 4865 inhabitants (in 1901); in 1799 Napoleon disembarked there on his return from Egypt, and reembarked for Elba in 1814, while nowadays it is much frequented as a health resort, as is also Valescure (2 m. propositions express in the last resort the relation of predicate or predicates to a subject, and this Leibnitz holds after considering the case of relational propositions where either term may hold the position of grammatical subject, A = B and the like. of parish, 9708), partly in the Pentlands, famous for its oatmeal, was often the summer resort of Edinburgh worthies. In summer Ardglass is a frequented resort of visitors; good bathing and a golf links contribute to its attractions. FECAMP, a seaport and bathing resort of northern France, in the department of Seine-Inferieure, 28 m. But besides an immense resort to Benares of poor pilgrims from every part of India, as well as from Tibet and Burma, numbers of rich Hindus in the decline of life go there for religious salvation. The town is a popular summer resort for residents of the coast cities. The Riley's are excited to spend a one week vacation at the tropical resort. (Entry 1 of 3) 1 a : one that affords aid or refuge : resource went to them as a last resort. Its pure air and fine scenery render Campulung a popular summer resort. Northward lies Clondalkin, with its round tower, marking the site of the important early see of Cluain Dolcain; Glasnevin, with famous botanical gardens; Finglas, with a ruined church of early foundation, and an Irish cross; and Clontarf, a favoured resort on the bay, with its modern castle and many residences of the wealthy classes in the vicinity. The salt springs were known in the 9th century, and their medicinal properties were recognized in the 16th, but it was only during the 19th century that Kissingen became a popular resort. Health resort ; the Canary Islands as a summer resort of the lash in! Skiing resort. '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''. More recent years, a summer resort overlooking the sea very frequently also... Ski, exclusive, seaside, all-inclusive, golf, tourist, popular ) `` they often stay luxury... St Lawrence and Lake Ontario ports, and Brixham is in repute as a resort. Were formerly a resort of the surrounding district have … examples of resort in summer Ardglass is a operation.: 2.:: 2 spring, summer and autumn, and the beauty of the Wolf. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences with last resort. '' '' '' '' ''..., Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com all Rights Reserved Contact:2 favour as a resort for visitors... 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