You can download your Sticky Idea Checklist here, together with the FULL PDF version of this 16,000+ Word Guide: Once you have a list of your first few Sticky Ideas, you can go and test them in the world to see which of them stick. My brain HURT when I thought about the idea of sticky ideas. By making more of the “right” small choices within the mindless margin, we can effortlessly lose weight without feeling deprived as we would by going on a very restrictive diet. You can see where the name comes from :). This way, we can slowly but steadily lose weight in the long run. Chip and Dan write: “How do we make our ideas clear? “Primoz, the one thing you’re not doing right now that you have to start doing is come up with more sticky ideas.”, “Yeah, big ideas like my 80/20 promotion rule that people will remember you by. Share it with us in the comments below! This then helps you build a blog audience without having to write all the time. Help people test your ideas for themselves. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots. Some blog posts get read hundreds of thousands of times, while others quickly get forgotten? To make your life easier, I put together a Sticky Idea Checklist for you that you can follow step by step and make your ideas, with exact questions you can ask yourself and examples you can use for inspiration. Sam said that he tries to build in one core sticky idea into everything he does, from his e-books to online courses – and the FAST method is a great example of that. I spent a large chunk of last year working on my mental game. We don’t just talk, but take action in our customers’ best interest, generating ideas that stick. For example, in proverbs, abstract truths are often encoded in concrete language: “A bird in the Hand is worth two in the bush.” This proverb is much more memorable than saying “Having one of something in your immediate possession is of equal value to possessing two of something which you can’t access.” ….. 4. Looking at the navigation bar can give you a snapshot idea of what a site is offering, as well as what it’s expecting in return. And that’s it! Check out Prollective and have a look in the top-right corner. Never Eat Alone from Keith Ferrazzi was the first book I read about connecting with influencers and finding mentors, long before I met Keith at a party at his house in the Hollywood Hills. If you have content that explains these phrases, it would be wise to link to it. Reading your article made me realize I actually do write about lots of sticky ideas in my articles, I just never realized I did. For our idea to endure, we must generate interest and curiosity. We must create ideas that are both simple and profound. You can download the Sticky Idea Checklist through the orange box below – enjoy! She explains it in such an articulate and concise way that it’s hard to ignore the benefits. By now, you should have a pretty good idea how to spot sticky ideas in the world and understand why they’re sticky. Cart 0. The best place to start is to think about your most effective strategies, frameworks, techniques, mindset shifts, concepts, stories and ideas that bring you or your clients the best results. To make it easier to decide which clients to work with (or what to work on in your business), Rich recommends polarizing your decisions to only two choices – “Hell Yeah”, “Hell No”. He said that he noticed that a lot of people hated the idea of writing 24/7 to grow their blog audience, and this concept gave them permission and a way to grow their blog without having to do something they didn’t enjoy. Sticky ideas are those ideas that have certain traits that allow us to recall the concept or meaning very easily. ), In blog posts, e-books, and guides you’re writing, In coaching and casual conversations with your clients and readers, In emails and comments, whenever you’re giving advice to someone, Every time you’re trying to explain something to one of your clients and it feels a bit slunky, see if you can find an analogy for them (and turn that analogy into a sticky idea in the spot), Every time you’re writing a blog post and you’re trying to explain something, think about how you could explain it through a Sticky Idea, Every time you’re creating a presentation for your online course, think about a sticky idea you could create that would be the core of the presentation, You can create a blog post and/or a YouTube video around your idea that people can link to and share with others, You can create a social media post that links to your blog post or YouTube video, You can reference your blog post / video within all the future content you create, You can mention your idea in guest posts, publicity opportunities and podcast interviews, You can expand on the idea in a presentation or a master class in your online course, You can create a public speech, a TED talk, or even write a whole book around your idea. Growth mindset simply means that we think that our traits, qualities and skills are not set in stone, and that we can work on them to improve them (like our intelligence, our social skills, our discipline and work ethic, sports talent, etc.). The last thing you want to do is spend hours developing an idea that you end up completely forgetting about. Sticky Ideas: Winter. This will help me formulate ideas on how to make weight loss through IF stick with my audience and clients. Chip and Dan write: “How do we get people to care about our ideas? Search Google and insert images or webpages. When you’re coming up with your Sticky Ideas, make sure they’re extremely easy to implement without any real “requirements”. We make them feel something. From the whole book, the ABCDE framework was the stickiest idea, which I use to this day. You can probably think of some other sticky diets as well (like the low carb diet, the LCHF diet, the Atkins diet, Intermittent Fasting, and the “slow carb” diet which we’ll analyze below). How do you make an idea stick? By emotional, they mean that your ideas should make people care and envoke emotions in them through stories and appealing to self-interests and identities. There was an error submitting your subscription. The idea behind The Mindless Margin is that small choices (like eating from bigger vs smaller plates, or buying a bigger vs smaller box of cereal) can invisibly help us lose or gain weight. I’m excited for you because I know you’ll now see the world in a different way than before, even if you do nothing else after reading this guide. Re: STICKY: Motivation Letter Ideas and Examples. Sticky Ideas can be modified for various ages and writing projects, using them again and again, across the years. One such example was The Lean Review, which is the most read blog post on my website (so far) in 2019, and an idea that many of my clients and readers implemented and told me about it afterwards. The idea, as summarized by Kevin himself in his essay, is this: “A creator, such as an artist, musician, photographer, craftsperson, performer, animator, designer, videomaker, or author – in other words, anyone producing works of art – needs to acquire only 1,000 True Fans to make a living.”. On-click Sticky Bars and Popups are the best kind when it comes to a permission-based interaction. Don’t Criticize, Condemn, or Complain (Dale Carnegie), Step #2: Find Your Sticky Idea Candidates, Step #5: Create Your Sticky Idea Portfolio. connections,flags,full_adhesive_roll,super_sticky_notes,featured Productivity From idea to reality in 5 steps. It’s a book about the psychology of eating (and why some people effortlessly lose weight, while others slowly gain weight for no apparent reason). Not only are the books amazingly well researched, written and useful, they’re also filled with sticky ideas like Deep Work. Definitely not. Product . It’s a concept I heard about when Brian first published it, and I remember that everyone in the online business space was talking about it and telling me that “I have to read this article”. Once you discover your Sticky Ideas, it’s time to put the pedal to the medal and spread the word about them as much as you can: This will help you spread your idea with others, and giving them them the opportunity to share it with their clients and friends. Jennifer says: Success! I don’t remember when I first heard about Seth Godin’s First, Ten idea, but I do remember that I only had to hear it once to remember it for life. Any time you catch yourself thiking negatively or pessimistically, you can work through: This framework helps you “flip” negative thoughts and actions into positive ones. 44. By concrete, they mean that the more concrete the idea, the better. In their book “Made to Stick,” Chip and Dan Heath have outlined the six characteristics that make an idea “sticky.” Let’s take a look at each. Looking for a Brilliant Sticky Bar Example? You can download the FULL PDF version of this 16,000+ word guide (including the BONUS Sticky Idea Checklist) here to print it out, save it on your computer or read it on your Kindle: Download your Ultimate Guide to Creating Content That Sticks Download the FULL 16,000+ word guide (plus a BONUS Sticky Idea Checklist to create your own sticky ideas in 10 easy steps) Success! I’m aware that IF has been around for a number of years but her rationale makes it sticky to me. Use surprise, emotions, concrete images, and curiosity. 25-08-2020, 15:20 #634 If it’s the latter, you don’t. -A GIF would be REALLY useful to show what you mean with the demonstration, if that’s what you wanted to do Whenever someone is feeling sad or grieving, even if you don’t know what to say to them, you can always make them a big casserole of mac’n’cheese and bring it to them. Try to test your ideas everywhere you can: You get the idea – you should take any chance you have to experiment by testing your ideas in the world. You can read more about The Time Management Matrix here. Last but certainly not least is a simple example of sticky navigation in action. Unbouncer Noah Matsell created a similar thing in Unbounce (see demo here). So make your idea psychologically sticky, make sure it makes sense, and offer proof by example, proof by numbers, or proof by authority – or anti-authority. As you can see, this is a LONG guide. A sticky idea is understood, it’s remembered, and it changes something. They’re simple. Top 10 blogs in 2020 for remote teaching and learning; Dec. 11, 2020 The idea behind The Lean Review is to avoid doing a 20-hour annual review (if you don’t have the time for it or just don’t want to do it), and instead plan out your whole year in under 20 minutes, with the leanest possible approach. And while it’s true that some experts on the list were known before coming up with Sticky Ideas, I personally only heard about them once they came up with them (a great example is Mindset from Carol Dweck – I kept hearing the concept of Growth Mindset over and over again and eventually checked out her book). Apr 10, 2020 - Explore Kristina R's board "Sticky Note Origami", followed by 127 people on Pinterest. It’s the one thing that the top experts in your industry get remembered by, write books about, and deliver speeches about in front of thousands of listeners. … or "What did you learn that surprised you? Alien Bugs Word Study. Not all ideas are “stick-worthy”, though it is possible to systematically create sticky ideas, or to learn to spot ideas with potential. … We can engage people’s curiosity over a long period of time by systematically "opening gaps" in their knowledge — and then filling those gaps.”. I have searched this site to exhaustion, and most of the motivation examples are for SD or, in the case for a Rifle competency, a firearm was already purchased and the application for licence was also done. As far as sticky ideas go, he has a whole mountain of them under his belt, and it’s worth studying how he creates them. ", To help you remember the principles, Chip and Dan provide the acronym “SUCCESs”, Simple … Unexpected … Concrete … Credentialed … Emotional … Story. Meanwhile, people with important ideas, struggle to make their ideas stick. One of the best books I’ve read this year was the book Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink. Proverbs are the ideal. One of the books on the subject I loved the most was Mindset by Carol Dweck. We are wired to feel things for people, not for abstractions.”. In Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die, Chip Heath and Dan Heath write about six principles to make your ideas stick and help you get your point across. It’s the one thing that content that gets forgotten often lacks (even if you put a lot of work into creating it). Sticky ideas have to carry their own credentials – not necessarily hard facts or numbers – but triggers that connect your story to audiences’ real life experiences. 8) which facilitate adhesion to some part of the insect's body, and a relatively small stigma with a sticky surface. Abstraction is the luxury of experts. Dec. 15, 2020. How do I come up with one? Some of the ideas provide an alternative, “better” way for achieving the same result: They usually help people avoid something they hate / don’t enjoy doing (write a lot, give up bacon, feel like they need to attract hundreds of thousands of people to their business if they want to live off of it). If you make use of these traits in your communication, you’ll make your ideas stickier. The crux of the article is around […]. But what makes an idea become popular? The FAST method is a method for solving dynamic programming questions in coding interviews: I’ve been a big fan of Cal Newport’s work ever since I read his books So Good They Can’t Ignore You and Deep Work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. creativity,super_sticky_notes,ideas,featured Productivity Designed to help you collaborate. Imagine you’re attending a job interview. While I’ve never been a fan of “link building” and other techniques from internet marketers (as a lot of them feel spammy to me), I do have to say that Brian Dean came up with an amazing concept called The Skyscraper Technique. It will probably only come to you after many revisions and after actually testing it. For example, anyone can bring a Mac’n’Cheese Grief Casserole to a friend that’s grieving, heartbroken, or in a bad mood. Create engagement. We must explain our ideas in terms of human actions, in terms of sensory informational. It doesn’t matter if you put them in a spreadsheet, write them down in a notepad, or into a Google Document. In the book, one idea stood out to me that I remembered for years – the idea of becoming “The Conference Commando”. A great example is the idea of the Briefcase Technique by Ramit Sethi – an interview negotiation technique where you bring research you’ve done on a company with you in a briefcase. Deep work is working on activities that require deep concentration (like writing), while shallow work is work that doesn’t require deep concentration (like browsing social media). He dropped the sticky pouch in her hand. See more ideas about memo paper, memo notepad, note paper. Whenever you sit down to write a blog post, record an online course video or write an e-book, ask yourself “what Sticky Idea can I talk about today?”. By stories, they mean that using stories with your sticky ideas will get people to act as it will inspire them to improve their lives. It would be simpler to just say “whenever you’re stressed out, look at the stars and release your control to God”. 116. Make the visuals easier to understand with a sticky note and a pair of scissors. This helps you avoid being stuck with clients that you don’t love working with, or doing things you don’t love doing. Great job on the STAR technique! We tell stories. The Slow Carb Diet is a diet that is focused on eating mostly carbohydrates that get absorbed into your body “slowly”, such as legumes and vegetables. But then, instead of just writing a ton of content, he recommends spending 4x the amount of time promoting your content to make sure it gets into the hands of people who need to read it (“you should spend 20% of the time creating content and 80% of the time promoting it”). Naturally sticky ideas are full of concrete images—ice-filled bathtubs, apples with razors—because our brains are wired to remember concrete data. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Other examples are the IPod, where you can have 1,000’s of songs on a hand-held device. In his book, Keith advises against just “attending” a conference. He also shared a bit of context behind why he thought this rule took off. … In proverbs, abstract truths are often encoded in concrete language: "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush." The more people that have the problem, the more can benefit from an idea, and the more people you can reach with it. If you can take a few minutes to take a look at it (, I’d love to hear your feedback or suggestion to refine it further. Sticky Ideas fosters … While less main-stream than The Paleo Diet, The Slow Carb Diet is a sticky idea worth mentioning that went extremely viral among Tim Ferris’s readers after being mentioned in his 4 Hour Body book (as you can see by the 7,221 comments on his blog post about the diet). Even though I wasn’t looking for a job, I devoured all of his content so I could soak up all of his knowledge that I possibly could. 1. Re: STICKY: Motivation Letter Ideas and Examples. You can get started by creating one Sticky Idea per every piece of content you create, and you’ll instantly start putting more ideas into the world. Sticky Ideas fosters critical thinking while students learn the writing process. That’s actually quite simple :). Coming up with your big idea is not easy. When you’re coming up with a Sticky Idea, it makes sense to start with the advice, frameworks or techniques you use that bring your clients the best results, and build your Sticky Ideas around that. We’re wired to feel things for people, not abstractions. If it’s the former, you have a sticky idea. There have been many heroic or inspiring tales of survival as well as tragic and saddening cases of what might have been. Chip and Dan write: My mentor Ramit Sethi became known by his, Entrepreneur Ryan Levesque became known for his, Author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (whose name you might not remember), became known for, Urgent and Important (the tasks that need to get done ASAP, like a launch email we want to send out today), Not Urgent and Important (tasks that are important, but without a deadline, like strategic work on our business), Urgent and Not Important (emails, interruptions, phone calls…), Not Urgent and Not Important (browsing internet, scrolling social media, wasting time, etc. Download your Ultimate Guide to Creating Content That Sticks. This “rule” has since then been referenced in hundreds of articles all over the internet, and when Derek Halpern later became my mentor, he explained that people talk about it and link to it from their content to this day. ), so I’m confused in the first sentence A penny saved is a penny earned. 43. Why do some ideas catch on like wildfires and other simply disappear never to hear from again. No scrolling logo, no search bar, nothing else to get in the way. Whether a story would fall into one of these, they were all truly a sticky situation. Chip and Dan write: “How do we make people believe our ideas? Concrete language helps people, especially novices, understand new concepts. -I don’t know the gesture (might be because I’m not from US? You can learn more about the 5 love languages here. Dan and Chip describe them as ideas that are more like velcro in our minds, they attach themselves at many points in our neural network and as such it makes them more memorable and easier to recall later. I remembered all of my favorite experts, authors and entrepreneurs, and their sticky ideas quickly came to mind: If you think about your favorite expert, author or entrepreneur, they’re probably known for a sticky idea as well. Your content is merely the vehicle for sharing those ideas with the world. If you want your sticky ideas to spread and help your business, they should solve a problem that many people have (ideally it would be a problem that few people are solving for them). Hey Stephanie, I’m glad you enjoyed the guide and the BONUS! That’s how the 80/20 Content Promotion Rule was born. Please try again. Thanks for sharing! Use concrete images. The more painful, the bigger, and the more common problem they solve, the more likely they are to stick. Then, there are a handful of other ideas that they’ll build their online courses about or write books / e-books about (you’ll notice that most big pieces of content are built around 1-3 core ideas). Some great examples are the ideas of Grit by Angela Duckworth, Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck, or Deep Work by Cal Newport, which are all ideas that are heavily backed by research. If not, it isn’t. It’s useful to keep these ideas on hand so you can spread the word about them more easily (and reference them in any new content you create). I used to be horrible at coming up with sticky ideas, and just never even thought about doing it for my online business (which is why I have practically no sticky ideas in some of my earlier content). I see them in action at work. Keep mentioning them. You can listen to Kate’s speech about A Grief Casserole here. It’s a phenomenally written book full of interesting stories, research, and sticky ideas, with The Mindless Margin being one of them. Use SUCCESs to ensure that people can’t forget your ideas even if they tried! It seems like ideas are (1) the twinkle twinkle little star, (2) the releasing control, and (3) the releasing control to God. By participating in conversation, then writing on sticky notes, we show kids how they can move ideas around and plan for great paper! When I think of Ramit and sticky ideas, this is easily the most memorable idea that comes to mind. It was a hot idea at a time that still gets mentioned and referenced to this day. Related Products. In proverbs, abstract truths are often encoded in concrete language: “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” Speaking concretely is the only way to ensure that our idea will mean the same thing to everyone in our audience. We were having a conversation about how to create content that will attract more visitors to my website that people will spread the word about. You’ll see the world of “sticky ideas” all around you – in books, podcast interviews, ads, everywhere. One of my favorite “rules” from the book that I still remember from the book is “Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain”. 19. That’s a question that Chip & Dan Heath spent years learning about, researching and answering, that they discuss at length in the book. Click here to learn more about becoming a Conference Commando. A classic example is: “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath explain why ideas stick, and provide the reader with a “sticky blueprint.” A great example of a simple sticky idea is Flow from Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – whenever we hear about a state of “flow”, we can instantly visualize what it means. There was just one problem.